"K-kariya... This place is air conditioned..."












"It was?" I asked dumbly. And I can imagine Beta face palming mentally. "Y'know I usually train with the three y'know..." I pouted for acting with a bit of stuttering. That was probably the best reason and I hope of works.

"Oh by the way, I haven't seen the guys in awhile. Can you send them a hi from me? That will be wonderful!" Kirino-senpai smiled as I stared at him as I try to reminisce the scene



Wait what just---

"You went to them?" Asked Shindou with suspicion as Kirino nodded in response.
"Yeah and it was really fun. You should come with me by instance."

I really hope not.

"Are we going to order or what?" We looked at Beta who currently face planting on the table and dying of boredom an in patience.

"I would like a strawberry slushy." I said.

"Mine too! And you Shindou?" Kirino glance at the boy next to him as he smiled a bit too quick. "Water is fine.."

"Then it settles then. 2 slushies and water." Declared Beta who raise a hand to call the waiter. I scooted a bit next to her and said.

"You caused all of this trouble and the only thing you're ordering is a glass of water? How low your standards is." Beta rolled her eyes at me and slapped me gently to get away. I rolled my eyes back and then waited. My fingers fidgeting.

"So Kariya... How did you and uhh Beta met?" I was surprise how Kiri was the one asking questions. Normally it was Shindou does the talking. I scratched my head and glancing at the place, trying to recall a decent memory.

"It was during the space match remember?" Well duh. I rephrased. "I mean after the whole event, Beta and the others appeared here just that."

"And how did you guys..?"

I then look at Beta who glance at me as well. Beta properly fixed her composure and said: "We just tried it out."

That was...calm.

"How?" Kirino asked

And neither spoke. Our order came fast as I slowly sipped the slushy and so does Kirino. I was staring at him and then he caught me but I never left my gaze. And then flashed me a smile automatically doing the same.

"In a way." Best reason for a thirty seconds. clap clap.

"You're missing something..." Shindou tried his best not to let go of his anger as he stared at Beta and the girl did the same.

"Masaki and I had been a temporary teammate for saving the world. Of course we had a rough start but oh it went well. A year has passed during the nationals, You, Tenma-kun, and Tsurugi-kun were picked and of course, bonds are starting to create for some unusual reasons. Am I right Takuto-senpai?" Beta mocked and Shindou becomes rigid. Visibly in me and Beta's perspective.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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