Chapter 6

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Luna's eyes flutter open, pain being the only thing she can feel. She groans and someone appears in her blurry vision. "Luna! You're awake! Can you hear me?" Luna recognises the voice almost immediately. It was Connor. Her eyes focused on Connor's face, smiling down at hers. She smiled back at him "Connor... you're okay... what happened?" She asked, confused. "You're in the hospital, you're going to be fine" Connor said holing Luna's hand. "What about you?" She asked. "The police gathered Jim's notes as evidence, and through them, they were able to clear the vampire virus. I'm fully functional now" Connor smiled. "What about Jim?" Luna asks. Connor's smile fades as he sits down. "He... He's dead... I killed him... I drank every last drop of blood from him, I truely am a monster" Conner sighs. "Connor, you're not a monster, you're my hero, you saved me, I'd probably be dead if it weren't for you" Luna smiles at him. Connor looks up and smiles "Yeah, I guess that's true" he sighs. "I'm just suprised they didn't arrest me for killing him" Connor says "Well the law says murder is justified when its self defence, plus he killed three people and kidnap me, I think that's enough reason to kill" Luna smiles. Connor holds her hand and kisses it. "I love you Connor" Luna smiles "I love you too" Connor says. Just then, a doctor walks in the room. "Ah you're awake, that's great. I'm Dr Bryan DeChart and I have your results here" he says, holding up a clipboard. Luna and Connor look at each other. "You're slightly malnourished but that's expected due to not eating for three weeks, and you seem to have some slight blood loss but your body will make more with time so that'll be back to normal soon, your stress and hormone levels are slightly elevated but that's normal due to your current condition" he smiles at them. Connor and Luna look at each other confused. "What do you mean "condition"? What's wrong with her?" Connor asks. Bryan's eyes go wide, then he realises what they mean "You don't know, do you?" He smiles. "Know what?" Luna asks. Bryan smile grows wider "You're three weeks pregnant, congratulations" he beams. Lunas eyes go wide as she processes the news, then she hears a thump. She turns to her side to see Connor has fainted. Luna turns back to Bryan "I-I'm pregnant?" she asks "Yes, and I assume he's the father?" He asks. Luna turns to Connor passed out on the floor and smiles "Yes, yes he is" she smiles.

9 months later, Luna and Connor are happily married and on the verge of parenthood. Luna is resting in bed rubbing her bulging tummy, Connor lying next to her smiling at his future son. What should we name him?" Connor asks "Well, I like the name Jack or Sean" Luna smiles. Connor smiles "I like Jack, that's a nice name" Connor replies. Luna's eyes go wide "Well it's about to be put to use" Luna says "What do you mean?" Connor asks, then all of a sudden, he feels the bed sheets get wet, then it clicks. Luna's in labor. Luna begins to panic as Connor runs to the phone, calling the ambulance. Few hours later, Luna is in the hospital, screaming as she delivers the baby. Connor is right beside her, holding her hand tightly. Luna turns to Connor "Honey, I'm scared" she says. Connor places his hand on her face "You're strong, you're gonna get through this I know you can" Connor smiles. Luna smiles back before screaming as she feels another contraction. "Alright the baby is almost here, push!" the doctor says. Luna screams as she pushes one last time and the cries of a newborn baby fill the room. "Congratulations! It's a healthy baby boy!" The doctor says as they wrap the baby in a blanket. The doctor hands the baby to Luna, and Luna begins to cry. "Hi sweetie, I'm your mother, and this is your father" Luna says as tears begin to roll down her cheeks. She holds baby Jack up to Connor, and Connor begins to cry. "He's perfect Luna, our perfect family" he beams. Connor holds his baby as Luna lies back, sighing in relief. She looks up to Connor, smiling at his newborn son. Luna smiles at her perfect family. Just then she rest her head, closing her eyes. "Um... Luna you might want to take a look at this" Connor says. Luna opens her eyes to look at Connor, he has a worried look on his face. "What's wrong?" Luna asks. Connor bends down to let Luna look at Jacks face. His eyes are open and he's smiling, but not like a normal baby. His eyes are red and his teeth are sharp. He giggles slightly. Connor and Luna look at each other wide eyed. Then they realise.

Jack was conceived when Connor was still a vampire.

Not only was Jack half android and half human...

He was also... a vampire.


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