The Morning of: Part 3: Breakdown

Start from the beginning

Damn... You don't look fine, not at all...

Using my phone as a small mirror, I fix my hair, put my hat on correctly, and rub away any evidence of my sadness. As soon as I finish my phone lights up with a notification from Kakyoin, I seen in preview of the message the first name of the hospital. I open and read the whole name, it's a hospital in the middle of the city: Speedwagon's Medical Center.

Good grief Kakyoin! You had to go to Speedwagon's Hospital? What kind of injures do you have!?

I shimmy between the driver and passager seat from the back seats and crawl into the driver side, which is easier when you're about to bust out crying and you forgot your 6'5 in a small ass car.

I buckle up, turn on the engine, and begin to back out of my parking spot at the convention store, driveing down onto main street. The drive being about 13-14 minutes, I turn on the radio, and surf though the channels trying to find a song that I'm in the mood to listen to and end up just giving up.

I decide to listen to the street sounds until they become white noise, drowned and swallowed up in my sea storm of thoughts about Kakyoin and his condition and about myself.

If Kakyoin really did see me cry, how would he react? Probably try to comfort me, but I'm pretty unapproachable aren't I? What would he think? He wouldn't hate me, would he? No, he's a caring guy, he'd understand, but would he act differently around me? Would he treat me differently? How the hell do I tell him I'm gay for him? I could say it right out, but I think that would stun him, but should I be emotional when I tell him?

My imagination gave me a image of Kakyoin stiffly and awkwardly just sitting there either way I told him.

Figured, I'm screwed.

I notice the huge building being Speedwagon's so I turn into the parking lot entrance and drive though the parking lot scanning around trying to find a open spot, I find one in the corner of the lot and pull up and  kill the engine. I pull the key from the ignition, unbuckle and step out. Feeling the wind, I remember my coat and open the back door and grab my coat, slipping it on and locking the doors of the car as I walk away. The parking lot is huge so I have to walk a ways to get to the front entrance I make it to the spinning door and walking through to the waiting room and-


I asked across the waiting room, to a man looking down at his lap at his phone.

Sure enough the light red hair colored man looks directly up and locks eyes with me, that man being Kakyoin, sitting near him was my grandfather and his friends.

He studdered, his eye widened and he got up and rushed over to me.

I was bewildered, because he stood and showed no sign of being hurt on his legs, like he had claimed.

"Jotaro, are you okay?!"
Kakyoin asked as he firmly grasped both of my biceps and stared directly into my eyes.

Huh? HUH!? Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?

"I'm fine, what about your leg?"
I asked pointing down to his legs.

We looked down simultaneously.

Kakyoin softly mutters

"Well- uh, it's-it's, your Grandpa uh-  he said-well-"
Kakyoin's grip on my arms loosened as he continued to talk.

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