The Cursed (Special) (@Http_Deku)

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Name: Sage Draken It's a meh name.
Age: You don't deserve to know. Unknown
Gender: I can be either. Cursed to transform from a boy to a girl at random times.
Looks: Apparently you're completely blind.
Sage is tall with dark brown, nearly black hair. They have maroon colored eyes and deathly pale skin.
Personality: Once again, a human like you doesn't deserve to know. They're rather rude and snappy right off the bat and hate it when humans try to act they're equal. However, when it comes to people they love, they'll act the same but be very protective of them.

Species: Can't you tell you blind fool? Vampire.
Sexuality: Now you're p—ing me off, I suggest you run. Bi
Backstory: My past doesn't concern you, so keep yourself out of my business and leave me alone.
When Sage was born his parents couldn't decide on what gender they would prefer, so they had a witch curse him to switch between both. He was born a boy. When Sage was seventeen, they're parents were killed by vampire hunters, making Saw flee from his former home. He now lives by himself and has for a while. He hates guests and goes out hunting for blood every other night.

Scenario: You are wandering around the city at night when you're stopped by a girl in your path. "Hey there." She smirked. You...?

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