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ashley: so the first time i met my dad, i was about 15 and ethan and i had pretty much just started dating, and so i'm used to my moms making gay jokes all the time, like all the time. so my dad says something and i take a moment to just stand there before i say "no that's too heterosexual for my liking" and my dad just sighed and shouted goddammit before he went to go pout in the kitchen.

jeremy: when i came out as gay, my dad's reaction was "perc, we've been knew, you're worn the same denim jacket for the four years"

ashley: we have some amazing parents. but yea, my dad's chill with me and my mom but god he gets so annoyed with our jokes. like my stepmom was going to the store and my mom was like "all biiiiiiiii myself" and my dad was over and he just left the room

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