Smii7y - Personal Working Life

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Just because I couldn't be bothered to spell 'Smii7y' out every time I wrote 'Smitty' instead and when reader uses 'actual name' for Smitty I used 'Lucas'. It's the name most use for Smitty but there's a few it's rumoured to be but no real confirmation of what it actually is. So yeah. Enjoy!


'Hey, whatcha working on?' Smitty asked as he looked over his girlfriend's shoulder.

She was hunched over her desk, animation tablet on the desk and pen in hand. She glanced back at him.

'Your next video thumbnail' she replied, turning back to her work.

Smitty smiled, taking on a thumbnail artist was the best decision he ever made. Especially when he'd been able to build up a genuine close friendship with her before they'd ever even started dating. She was a hard worker, with true talent at what she did and she was always keen to learn new techniques to keep her skill up.

'For golf?' He asked, leaning closer.

'Yep' she simply replied.

He leaned over, catching a glimpse of a cute mini milkbag lining up a putt shot before she covered it, shooting a small glare at him over her shoulder. She liked to show him completed thumbnails before he saw them once they'd decided on a final design.

He smirked at her antics 'You've been working really hard lately you know'

'I know' she replied, turning back to her picture 'I can handle it'

'Oh I know you can, you little badass and don't think it goes unnoticed because I do notice. I really appreciate it....appreciate you' He told her, his voice soft with affection.

She stopped to look at him, her own gaze gentle 'I know you do Lucas, don't worry about that' She put her pen down and turned away from her desk to look at him.

He changed his position to lean on the arms of her chair effectively caging her in to press a small kiss to her forehead.

'How about we go out on Friday? A date night, dinner and a movie? Or anything you'd like, my treat' He asked, pressing another kiss, this time on her cheekbone.

'I.....yeah...I mean, yes, I'd love that. You don't have to treat me though, this job has its benefits' She smirked, eyebrows raised suggestively as her hands trailed up his arms. 

Smitty laughed at her innuendo, shaking his head at her as she gave a small laugh too.

'I love you' He told her, finally pressing a kiss to her lips, holding it for just a bit longer than a simple peck.

She smiled when he backed up, her eyes sparkling at him.

'I love you too' She replied before pulling him back down for another kiss.


I know this was a pretty short chapter but hopefully it was still cute :)

Squad LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora