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Winter is here.

Everything is anything but colourful. Usually, I don't open my windows very much because of the cold weather. Though nowadays, you can find me sitting on the window seat and looking towards the dead peach tree which is standing quietly in our backyard, just like me alone.
The only difference is that tree is dead from inside and outside. Unlike me, I am dead on the inside but out front, I am as lively as ever.

A year ago, I wasn't like this at all. I was living my teenage life to the fullest with my best friend Mona.

We went everywhere together, did everything together. I don't have any siblings and my parents are always busy. So, she was like a lifeline to me. I loved her like a sister, a brother, a mother and my best friend.

Then he came.

Everything fell apart. His name was Blake. He was so charming and funny. We clicked right away. Not as a lover but as a long lost friend. 

Mona and I, we accepted him to the circle and became triangle.  It's been proven that the most strong structure is a triangle.

We were delighted to our core. We spent all our free time together.  It was like nothing can crash us.

I guess we stopped living the lie after a few months.

Once again, I discovered myself alone from time to time. Mona and Blake started doing things without including me. I shrugged it off because we were still doing things together too.

After a few more days, I found myself becoming crazy with stuff like thinking about the impossible things. I kept the thinking locked away.

I had my best friend with me. The world was with me.

Then on a Saturday evening, Mona came to visit me like always. She seemed a little upset.

" I need to tell you something. " She said to me. I nodded my head at her to continue.

" Lisa, I. ... I love Blake and I am going away with him. " after saying that she looked at me. Probably for seeing my reaction. 

She probably thought I would complain about them leaving me here and going away to another country. How wrong they were! I know everything.  They thought they will be able to deceive me.  How foolish they were! 

Even if I couldn't find anything from Blake, I could find out everything just from Mona. Even if she didn't  tell me anything. She was my best friend for as long I can remember. 

"I knew it from before." I simply said that and hugged her.

"You know you are my everything, right? You know that, right? " I asked her.

She hugged me back. I smelt her for the last time.

" I love you. I love Blake, too." I said then tightened my hug a little. I was afraid to let her go. She was like my safe heaven.

How can I let her go?

I took out the hand gun out from my jacket pocket and pressed it in her stomach with one hand while the other was around her tightly. Then I pressed the trigger not once or twice but three times.

She started screaming and struggling but I held her dare in my hand, afraid to let her go and see the blood flowing on the ground like a red river.

I couldn't speak. I stopped moving. I just held her tightly too afraid to let her go. She will flee. 

I don't know for how long I held her in my hands or for how long, we were there.

I heard someone screaming behind me. I faced them.  Oh, it was my parents.

I blinked twice after returning to present from that time. I don't know what my parents did then but nobody bothered with me about her death. Nobody asked me any questions. I don't know why.

I wonder if they will ask any questions this time.

I called Blake a while ago to come and meet me under the dead peach tree in our backyard. He will be here in a moment.

Blake also didn't asked me any questions after that incident.  I also don't know why. Today is Saturday and my Mona is lonely. She needs someone to keep her company.

"Hey, " Who's that? Oh, Blake is here.

I stopped my train of thoughts and went outside to meet him under the tree.

"Lisa, I. ."    


Before he could say something, three  bullet shot towards him.  He fell on the ground on the pile of snow. 

Such a good riddance. No one will bother me anymore. 

There, there Mona.  Now, I will have time for you. I won't waste my time anymore by looking out the window at that tree. 

I wish I would have killed him 1 year ago. Then you would have been here and I wouldn't have fallen for that man.

Though, now I am content with everything.

No more regret.
No more pests and no more trouble.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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