Chapter 5

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In the morning, Harry was the first to stir awake. The light shone through a gap in the curtains onto his face. He scrunched his eyes and turned his face away. After a few more tries of going back to sleep, the light wouldn't let him. Harry just sighed in defeat.

He stretched widely under the covers and let out a quiet groan. His joints clicked which made him wince. A pain still lingered in his thighs. Harry just hoped that he wouldn't be in too much pain for work. He turned his head to look at Louis who lay still in the bed. A smile graced his face as he remembered the night before.

Harry didn't know why he did it. However, he was glad he did. He gently swung his feet out from underneath him and went to pick up his clothes. It was still quite early. His head quickly whipped around to look at Louis when he heard the bed sheets rustle. Luckily, he didn't wake up. Harry let out a sigh of relief.

There was a lot of time until he had to go to work. Harry thought to himself that he wanted to go home.

When he made his way to the bathroom, he quickly began to get changed. Harry didn't want Louis noticing he was still here. He would have to shower at home instead.

Once he was changed, he headed for the bedroom. Louis still lay asleep on the bed. He looked at him with a smile before picking up his coat he left on the floor.

Louis looked peaceful for once as he slept. Harry glanced at him one more time then checked for any messages on his phone.

There were a few texts from Sophie asking where he was. He felt a bit guilty for how he had been treating her lately. He hoped that he could make it up to her one day.

The last thing he put on was his shoes when he was finally ready to leave. Harry tied his hair into a bun while he made his way to the door.

He glanced back at Louis' sleeping body and left with a smile on his face.


When he entered the dressing room, he felt slightly relieved and apprehensive. Sophie was the only person in the room. She applied a little makeup onto her face. She said nothing when she glanced at him through the mirror.

"Hey Soph," he muttered before taking a seat by his desk.

"Hey," Sophie replied. She still faced the vanity mirror, blending in the last of her contour.

"I'm sorry." Sophie paused what she was doing. Her head turned to look at him with a hint of surprise on her face. "I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you. Thank you for still trying even though I kept on trying to shut you out. I'm glad you still stuck around," Harry sighed. "If you don't want to talk to me then that's fine."

Sophie put down her makeup brush and walked over to him. Harry didn't know why but tears came to his eyes when Sophie gave him a hug. His head rested on her stomach while her arms wrapped around his shoulders. She comfortingly rubbed a hand over his back as tears came down his face.

Harry felt relieved that he had no makeup on. The last thing he needed was makeup running down his face.

"Oh Haz, there's no need to cry."

"I'm sorry," he whispered again. Harry snaked his arms around her waist and tightly held onto her body.

"I won't stop talking to you, Haz. I could never stay away from you for too long."

"Thank you." Harry smiled up at her.

"Come on, let's get you ready. You can't perform with tears in your eyes," Sophie chuckled.

A few tear streaks resided on his face. He huffed at how blotchy his skin looked. Luckily, he could cover it up with a bit of makeup.

"Love you, Soph," he said. Sophie smiled when they separated.

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