chapter 2

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(James P. Sullivan  snoring loudly, except frisky fast asleep)

(The clock radio next to him clicks on)
Radio DJ: (off-screen) Hey! Good morning, Monstropolis. It’s now five after the hour of 6:00 A.M. In the big monster city. (The camera pans over to reveal that the radio announcer is actually Mike, a one-eyed ball of a monster with green frog-like skin, standing casually next to Sullivan’s bed)

Mike: Temperature's a balmy 65 degrees, which is good news for you reptiles and, it looks like it's going to be a perfect day to maybe, hey, just lie in bed, sleep in or simply... Work out that flab that's hanging over the bed! Get up, Guys!

(Mike puts a bull horn to Sulley's ear. BWAAT!

Sulley and frisky : (SCREAMING)

Sammy : what's wrong mommy and daddy?

Sulley : nothing son. We're fine.

Frisky : I'll cook some breakfast.

Sammy : I'll help too.

(INT. LIVING ROOM, MORNING. Sulley drops to the floor for push-ups. Mike stands in front of him barking orders like a coach)

Sulley : I don't believe I ordered a wake-up call, Mikey.

Mike: Hey! Less talk, more pain, marshmallow boy!

(Between the push-up, Sulley springs into the air, striking a fearsome pose and roaring)

Mike: Feel the burn! You call yourself a monster?

Sulley : (roars louder)

Sammy : YEAH! Go dad!

(INT. LIVING ROOM. Sulley jogs in place)

Mike: Scary feet, scary feet, scary feet! Oop! The kid's awake!

(Sulley drops to the ground and lies motionless)

Mike: Okay, scary feet, scary feet, scary feet, scary feet...

(Sullivan pops back up into a jog)

Mike: Kid's asleep! (Sullivan roars)


Mike: Twins! In a bunk bed!

(Sulley goes up and down, roaring on two levels)

Mike: Ooh! I thought I had you there.


Mike: Okay, Sulley, here we go. You ready? Follow it.

(Mike holds a broom with a crude drawing of a child's face taped to the end) Oh! It's over her! Oh, look over there! (Mike swings the broom, Sullivan lunges after it) Don't let the kid touch you! Don't let it touch you! (Sullivan growls at the paper kid while dodging it)

(INT. LIVING ROOM. Like a quarterback rushing a tackle dummy, Sullivan strains to push a pile of heavy furniture and Sammy across the living room. Mike stands atop the pile him)

Mike: (like a Drill Sergeant) ♪ I don't know, but it's been said, I love scaring kids in bed! ♪

Sammy ; Yeah!

Frisky : hehehe

(INT. BATHROOM. Sulley brushes his teeth, while Mike stands on his arm)

Mike: Come on, fight that plaque! Fight that plaque! Scary monsters don't have plaque!

(INT. LIVING ROOM. Sullivan hangs upside-down from a beam, doing some "gravity" sit ups)

Mike: 118... Do you have 119? Do I see 120? Oh, I don't believe it!

Sulley : I'm not even breaking a sweat.

Mike: Not you! Look! The new commercial's on! (Mike runs to the TV. Sulley slips and falls)

Sammy : dad! You ok.

Sulley : yeah, I'm fine. Come on, let's watch tv.

Sammy : ok.

Frisky : I'm done. (Carrying the breakfast)

Sammy : yay!

(CLOSE ON TV. a bank of lights illuminate and flare brightly)

Announcer: The future is bright at Monsters, Inc.

(Sullivan's and Mike scramble into their chairs to watch the commercial together)

Mike: I'm in this one!

(CLOSE ON TV. Beautiful shots of monsters happily living their lives)

Announcer: We're part of your life. We power your car. We warm your home. We light your city.

(An M.I. worker turns to the camera)

Worker #1: I'm Monsters Inc.

Sulley : (watches from his easy chair, pointing at screen) Hey, look! Betty!

Sammy : hi betty!

(CLOSE ON TV. A bored child watches as various monsters cycle past. We settle on one which causes the child to scream)

Announcer: Carefully matching every child to their ideal monster, to produce superior scream refined into clean, dependable energy. Every time you turn something on Monsters, Incorporated, is there.

Floor Manager: (to camera) I'm Monsters Inc.!

(A child vacantly staring at a television set. Machine gun fire, explosions, etc. are heard emerging from the set)

(Text appears on the screen: "SIMULATION-NOT ACTUAL CHILD)

Announcer: We know the challenge, the window of innocence is shrinking. Human kids are harder to scare.

(Henry J. Waternoose, a large crab-like monster, turns to face the camera, turns to face the camera)


Waternoose: (On TV) Of course, M.I. is prepared for the future with the top scarers...

(On the screen, Sulley and frisky stands next to a door standing on a factory work floor. They leans through a door and roars like a lion. The kid inside screams)

Mike: (watches his buddy on TV and leaps to his feet) Woo hoo-hoo!

Sammy : yay! (Hugging frisky (mom) )

Waternoose: (On TV) the best refineries and research into new energy techniques.

(A monster with virtual reality glasses roars, causing a computer child on a monitor behind him to scream.)

Mike: (re: commercial) Okay, here I come.

(CLOSE ON TV. Sullivan and Mike stand in front of a crowd of MI workers. As they turn to camera, the MONSTERS INC. logo appears over Mike, blocking him entirely)

Sulley : We're working for a better tomorrow...

Frisky : today!

(Mike stares at the television, shocked)

Workers: We're Monsters, Inc.!

Waternoose: We're M.I.-- Monsters Incorporated. We scare because we care.

(Sullivan turns off the TV)

Mike: I can't believe it.

Sulley and frisky : (consoling) Oh, Mike...

Mike: I was on TV! Did you see me? I'm a natural!

(The phone rings. Mike grabs the receiver)

Mike: (into phone) Hello. I know! Hey, wasn't I great? Did the whole family see it? (to Sulley ) It's your mom.

(Sulley rolled his eyes and frisky and Sammy started laughing)

Mike : (to phone) What can I say? The camera loves me.

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