Story one: A life for a life

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"Nalin what are you doing? Run, HURRY!!," said Ryan. "I can't, it's a dead end and there's no other way out," Nalin yelled trying to catch her breath.

"Nalin I told you to go right and press x five times, why the hell did you go left?" Dre yelled. "Dre, calm down, she has time left you know," said Ryan. "Now I'm gonna have to use one more of my lives to fight," Nalin said in disappointment.

"I did it, boys! I finally made it out. Dre see, I still got it in me always," Nalin screamed in excitement. "Finally. You made it to level forty-eight," Dre said as he lay back on his chair letting out air out through his mouth.

"Now we can move on as a team," Ryan said. " Damn, our group games get intense pretty quickly," Dre said. "They definitely do," Nalin agreed. " Guys I'm gonna go eat dinner, I'll be right back," Said Ryan. " Alright Ryan see you in a bit," Dre said. "Bye buddy," Nalin said after.

Ryan put his headphones on the desk and headed down the stairs to the kitchen. Walking down the quiet path step by step. A cold breeze slapped him in the face as he headed to close the windows. He grabbed the cereal box from the cupboard and open the fridge to get some milk. As he reached for the milk the was a vibration in his pocket. He had gotten a text from his Mum.

"Hey Ryan, how are you? Honey I know we had a fight earlier this afternoon and I'm sorry. I got really worked up seeing that you were always in your room playing video games. It's been two years since your Dad and I split up and you've been having a hard time getting used to that. I wanna let you know that I understand. School's been hard for you too but I'm gonna need you to be even more responsible. You just turned fifteen and I don't want games being your priority. Again I'm sorry and I love you," said the text from his mum.

"Ugh! Mum's so annoying, always bringing up Dad," Ryan muttered taking his bowl of cereal to his room. He walked slowly as his face turn sad. It was like he was getting all these feeling he wanted to forget. He sat on his chair and put on his headphones. "Hey Dre, you on?" He asked adjusting his mic closer to his mouth. He picked up his controller and logged in.

"How was dinner?" Dre asked.

"Dinner was annoying," Ryan replied.

"Same reply everytime Ryan," Dre blurted.

"I'm sorry I don't eat every meal with one thousand people like you," Ryan said as his voice became louder.

"Yeah we do, you should visit me here in Korea sometime so we can eat together," Dre said with a giggle.

"No thanks. I'll rather visit Nalin in Europe cause she's not as annoying as you," Ryan replied

"I really don't wanna meet any of you, you're already annoying enough through group call," Nalin said letting out a little laugh.

" Guys I have a new game we could try," Nalin said.

"Could you send the link," Ryan asked.

Patiently waiting for the link Ryan thought more about the text from his mum. He didn't want to accept that he had to move on from what happened with his Dad. He always wished his Dad would come back and they'll be a family once more. He clicked the link to open the game. Ryan chose not to think about the past and wanted to play the new game to distract him from the pain he was feeling. Of course, this was a hard thing for him to do but since from a young age, he played games forget his pain.

"So the game will need your actual phone number so they can message you," Nalin observed.

"The game colours look super cool but the name is lame. Eight? Who calls a game eight?" Dre blurted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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