𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔣𝔦𝔳𝔢

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He nodded then walked into his closet. In a minute or so he walked out with a huge jacket, it looked like he was about to walk through a snow storm or something.

"warm enough?" I joked

"toasty. aight let's dip"

He grabbed his phone and wallet then led the way out of his room. We said bye to his mom who was talking on the phone then left.

"so your mom just spends New Years at home?" I asked as we walked to the elevator

"yeah she's kinda a loner. She has friends but she likes her alone time more. Her and my dad are total opposites. He's out now getting drunk and celebrating with friends" He explained


We left his building then started to walk to the train station. I still can't believe we're taking the train. I don't want to seem boujee or anything but dangerous stuff happens down there. There have been multiple reports of stabbing that has taken place down there—and the rats is a no no.

After ten minutes of walking we came to one of the stations. It had a sign with three letters in circles: E, M and R.

Ty started walking down the stairs so I followed behind him. It wasn't too busy down here, but then again judging by the people who live in the neighborhood not that many people are taking the train.

"which train are we taking?" I asked as he walked up to these machines

"either one, they all take us to the same place" He said

He started to do something on the machine, I'm guessing this is where you get one of those MetroCards.

"so you seriously have never ridden the train?" He randomly asked

"no. what gave it away?"

"well for starters you called a MetroCard a pass—which it could be considered that I guess. but you also look nervous as hell right now like you in foreign territory"

"people die in these places"

He started to laugh then focused on what he was doing. One of the MetroCards came out of the slot which he took out and handed to me. He then started to repeat the process over again for himself.

"relax, niggas is just tryna get around like we are. nothing to be scared of"

He paid for his MetroCard then led the way to the spinny things. He went first to demonstrate then watched me do it. It didn't take brain science to operate it like how he was making it seem.

"aight we going this way" He said pointing to the right side

"what's the difference?"

"one side heads uptown and the other heads downtown...we're going downtown" He explained

We ended up walking down some more stairs. How far into the ground are we gonna go?

"so now what?" I asked as I stared at the grimey tracks

"we wait"

"for how long?"

"well they come about every ten minutes, but since we don't know when the last one left I would say roughly ten minutes"

"ten minutes? an Uber could—sorry. it's the rich kid in me"

"nah don't worry I was just like you the first time I had to ride the train. look, you're in luck"

He pointed towards the tunnel part which slowly started to emit light. The light started to get brighter and soon a train was coming from it. I never realized how long they actually are, I counted 11 cars connected.

𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖌𝖔𝖙 𝖒𝖊Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat