𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯

Start from the beginning

We stepped out of his car and walked towards the restaurant. It wasn't really a restaurant, it was set up like a fast food place but they actually cook the food so that's why it's considered a restaurant I'm guessing.

There was a menu at the table we sat at. Ty picked it up and began to look through it.

"aight so it's in Creole so I don't think you gonna understand it. you want me to just order for you?" He asked

"yeah that works"

I'm not gonna pretend to know what I'm doing, he knows more than me so why not.

"aight I'll be back"

He got up and walked over to the serving line where I'm guessing he had to order at. While he did that I checked my phone to see if I had gotten any texts from Masai. He was at work though so I wasn't really expecting a reply and I was right.

"here you go" He said bringing over two bottles of water and setting one in front of me


"so...how's life. how'd you do in school?"

"not bad, I got three A's and two B+'s. I was hoping for a 4.0 but I'll settle for the 3.72"

"damn...congratulations. I was at a 3.3 my first semester, I'm up to a 3.6 now but—good for you!"


"and how was the cruise?"

"it was fun for the most part. we ended up missing the ship when departing from Jamaica so we were stuck there—and all of our stuff was still on the ship. so we had to stay in Jamaica for the remaining of the cruise and then when we got back we had to go to Miami, since that's where the cruise was ending, to get our stuff"

"wow that's crazy"

"uh huh"

"my parents were actually thinking about having us go on a cruise in the summer. this bout to be my first time" He said

"it's really fun you should go. we went to the Bahamas, Cuba, Turks and Caicos, Dominican Republic and lastly Jamaica. we missed out on Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands"

"ahh that's dope"

We talked a little bit longer but soon our food came. The woman set down two plates with different things, mine had what looked like chicken and I won't even attempt to figure out what he got.

"aight so this is poulet aux noix—I probably shoulda asked you before but you not allergic to nuts right?"

"nope. that's my sister"

"aight great. so it's basically chicken cooked in tomato sauce and topped in cashews. every place cook it differently so it may have other ingredients in it" He explained

"and what are you eating?" I asked curious

"uhh this is Griot...I didn't know whether to start you off with this but chicken is always a safe bet. this is fried pork and it's usually served with Pikliz which is like cole slaw kinda"

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