Jail Break and Confessions

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"You were fine," Violet answered, "Better than some others we've had. You should go, the villagers will probably get mad at you for talking to us in here."

He nodded, "Yeah I'm going to leave the village on my hot air mobile home; thank you for helping me get it to work. I only wish I could take you and your friends with me."

"If we do get out of here, we'll find another way out of town."

Hector said good-bye and left the Baudelaires alone in their prison once more. Violet started to ask Klaus what he could do to help their situation, but noticed that there was something off about him.

"Klaus do you think there's anything in your research about jail-breaks?"

Klaus racked his brain for a moment, "Well I just remembered something but... um."

"Is it something that can help us?"

"Er, no... it's- it's just I..." He sat down on the bench that was the only piece of furniture in their cell, "I just remembered that it's my birthday. I'm 13 today."

A few tears escaped his eyes; he took off his glasses momentarily to wipe them away. Violet and Sunny glanced at each other and felt guilt overtake their hearts.

Violet sat down next to Klaus and Sunny climbed onto his other side, "I'm so sorry Klaus... We completely forgot..."

"Klaus," Sunny bit his hand gently as an affectionate gesture, and Violet put her arm around him.

The three Baudelaires hugged each other as Klaus cried softly and talked about what their parents had planned to do for his birthday this year; after how disappointing his last one had been. As he let out his emotions, Violet racked her brain for something to give him for a good present. Something that would make her brother happier than she had seen him in a while... She smiled as an idea dropped into her head.

She stood up, "Klaus, Sunny and I are prepared to offer you anything you want for your birthday. Right, Sunny?"

Sunny stood up, "Yeah!"

Klaus finished drying his eyes and smiled faintly at his sisters, "Thank you, both of you, but what I really want is to know where the Quagmires are and how we can help them..." He pulled the other couplet papers out of his pocket and stared at them sadly.

Violet then picked up Sunny and slipped over to the back corner of the cage to talk in moderate secrecy.

"I have an idea," Violet whispered, "It'll be the perfect present. Let's get out of here, and reunite Klaus with Isadora."

"Isa," Sunny spoke quietly; she seemed to say, "I know you're worried about them, but why Isadora?"

Violet rolled her eyes, "Because Klaus likes her of course. What better present to give him than to bring him and his girlfriend back together?"

"Bleck," Sunny said, meaning, "Teenagers are gross."

"Hey, Isadora would make a great sister-in-law someday, don't you agree?"

"Duncan?" Sunny obviously meant to ask about Violet's fondness for Duncan in reference to Isadora as a potential sister-in-law.

Violet blushed lightly, "This isn't about me and Duncan; I'll worry about that later. It's Klaus' birthday and we're going to do this for him. It'll be the best present ever. What do you say?"

Sunny grinned toothily, "Ok!"

Violet set Sunny down and finished tying her hair back. She took the stale bread and the bench and began making a battering ram with the noose that was hanging in the cell. She instructed Klaus to try to figure out what the couplets mean as she worked. Klaus took the papers and stuck them to the wall in order of arrival with some water from their cup. Once Violet finished her invention she started to ram the side wall of the cell. She could see that Klaus was still a bit depressed too, so she was surprised when he turned to her with a smile.

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