chapter two: an apology or two

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We were back at school. We passed Asher and he looked me up and down. No words.
After school Jayden and I watched Caleb and Armani practice on the baseball field. I saw movement in the corner of my eye and quickly turned to see Asher walking up the bleachers in my direction. He had a smug look on his face. He sat behind me, I didn't turn around. I didn't care.
He sighed and said, "I want to apologize to you Jayden." She turned towards him looking a little shocked. "I overreacted. I'm sorry, but if you tell anyone about this I won't hesitate next time, whether LeBlanc is there or not." I turned around and said, "Stop threatening people asshole." He gave a weak smile and said, "I won't apologize to you, you're fun to mess with. You don't cry or piss yourself." I rolled my eyes.
"So are we good?" He asked Jayden. She nodded and said, "Yeah, we're good." Asher stood up and started walking away before turning around and looking at me. He smiled a little and shook his head before walking away.
"That was so weird." Jayden said to me. I nodded, still watching him walk until I couldn't see him anymore.
After the boys practice they ran up to us and started asking us questions.
"Are you guys okay?"
"What did Asher want?"
"What was that all about?"
"What did he say?"
"Did he hurt you?"
I couldn't tell who's questions were whose. Jayden smiled and said, "He just came to apologize to me about yesterday."
"Did he apologize to both of you?" Caleb asked. I shook my head. I was still confused.
"Let's go get dinner." Armani said. I looked at Caleb, I didn't have anymore money, I had spent it on pizza last night. He shook his head. I bit my lip and said, "Actually you guys go ahead, I'm not feeling so good and Caleb needs to take Hayley across town to her sleepover tonight." Armani nodded and they started walking away. Caleb and I walked to his car, I hadn't brought mine today.
"We need to get jobs." Caleb said. I agreed. I got a text from Jayden.
'Jay- Thank You!!'
I smiled. This is totally like a date for her. When we got home Caleb and I plopped down on the couch and started looking for a movie, this time he allowed me to pick the movie, something that rarely happened. It started pouring outside as I picked out a Sandra Bullock movie.
Caleb fell asleep in only twenty minutes, mostly from his lack of love for my queen Sandra. Suddenly their was a knock on the door. I hesitantly stood up to see who was at the door. I was kind of scared, I mean who was at the door, with it storming outside, at 11:30pm. Maybe it's Jayden.
I opened the door, lightning striking at the exact moment. Asher Angel stood in my doorway, water dripping from his flattened down hair, it covered his black denim jacket, and he was just soaked. His white shirt was sticking to his torso. He was turned the other way, like he was leaving, but faced me when the door had opened.
"Hey, uh Julianna, I mean Annie, I mean-" he stuttered. "Come in." I said quietly, opening the door for him. He nodded and walked into the warm building. He was still dripping with water. He crossed his arms and said, "I came to apologize to you. I overreacted when I first met you, I mean I held a knife to your neck for God's sake. I think I'm just going crazy, and then earlier I was going to apologize to you and Jayden, you just looked so smug, and just I'm sorry." I nodded and opened the closet near the front door. I pulled out a towel and handed it to him before saying, "it's fine Asher. I'm fine. Thank you for apologizing, but I'm fine." He wrapped the violet towel around him. "Do you want some hot cocoa?" I asked quietly as I started walking to the kitchen. He hesitated before saying, "Yeah. I mean yes please." I suppressed a giggle. He was acting so awkward.
   Asher and I were sipping on our hot chocolate when Caleb walked into the kitchen. He eyed the scene before loudly asking, "What the hell is going on here?" I smiled and said, "Hot cocoa, you want some?" He was about to tell again before shrugging, sitting down next to Asher at the counter, and nodding to me.
   It was the weirdest scene.

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