Chapter 2- Not him again

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"Katress is that you?" My Dad's voice rang out as soon as I walked in the door

"Yeah it's me" I walked into the kitchen and stood by the door. My dad's brown eyes are still slightly droopy from sleep, and his greying brown hair was all ruffled. He stood over the counter top of the kitchen chopping an apple and placing it into a bowl.

"Could you get a strawberry yogurt from the fridge sweetheart?" he asked and turned towards other fruit. I walked to the fridge and grabbed the yogurt. My dad is the owner of the rugby club so he eats really healthily to look the part. I poured the yogurt in the cream bowl filled with fruit and got a spoon out of the drawer.

"How was breakfast?"

"Good, the bacon was slightly under cooked for me but  hey ho" I smiled at him. Losing my mum 4 years ago was really hard for him, since then he has been constantly checking up on me. He started to shovel in his breakfast and looked at the black watch on his wrist, his eyes widen.

"I'm late!" he mumbled around the mouthful of food, he wolfed down the rest of his breakfast in six mouthfuls.

"What are you doing today?" he asked whilst cramming his foot into his trainer.

"Going to town to get folders for school" as I spoke he nodded and kissed me on the forehead

I moped around the house for 3 hours; brushing my teeth, watching TV, listening to music whilst doing chores and finally sorting out my homework. At 12pm I got ready to go town By 12:30 I was ready and had left the house. The trip to town wasn't that long on foot,  I only live 8 streets away so it only takes 10 minutes or so. I love the feel of autumn; trees losing their leaves in every shade of a flame, the cool breeze whistling through my hair, the bitter chill that shows sign  winter and the rain that falls nearly every day. I put my purple umbrella up as drops start to fall from the grey sky. I adore the rain, I always have done, Its much nicer than the sun. The heat and brightness of it makes me cringe, it seems to make everyone so grumpy and get annoyed easily.Okay the rain gets them soaked and makes them feel miserable but it's better than snapping at the nearest creature to you.

I walked into the town centre and weaved my way through the crowd to WHSmiths. Inside i got 3 folders; all with a different design of course.

"Is that all you are buying today? Do you want any of our chocolates for £2 or our buy one get one free offer on books?" the check out women asked. I hate it when they ask those stupid questions! If I wanted something else I would have picked it up and put it in front of her!

"No thanks" she gives a disappointed grin and scans the folders, "can i have a bag please?" she huffs and gets one out that is way too small, but I don’t want to annoy her to much by saying so.

" That will be £8 please" I rummage in my purse for money and give it to her, she put the receipt in my bag and I went on my way.

I walked out of the centre, in no hurry, and found my route to Waterstones (the best shop ever). I looked through the teen fiction books dreaming of the worlds that are there and waiting to be explored. I picked 'Halo' and looked at the blurb.

"Hi again." his voice came from behind me. I placed the book down and turned to face him. Axel stood at the biography shelf staring at me,

"Hi" I said giving him a faint smile

"What book where you looking at?" he walks over to me.

"Oh just a fantasy about angels and love."

"Hmm, I never really like that sort of thing, it takes away the magic of the real world"  He smiled his killer smile.... at me and I couldn't help but stare. I never noticed before, (then again I was never this close before) that his teeth are so straight, and his skin is really pale. Paler than mine, and that’s hard to achieve. I shook my head clearing it from those thoughts

"Well that's your opinion" I snapped and walked towards the door of the shop.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to offend you I just... Well actually I don't know what i meant" he turned to me with pleading eyes.

"It's fine, well I have to go...see you again sometime Axel" I smiled at him

"Yeah see ya Katress" his unique smile came back. The flash happened again. I closed my eyes and looked down. Why does that keep on happening?


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