The Small and The Fall

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As soon as he got close enough to wrap her in his arms something happened.

Raven began to glow and sparkle and then in a flash, she suddenly disappeared.

Beast Boy began to panic as he transformed back and shot up out of the water.

"What happen!? Where is she!?" Beast Boy yelled angrily at one of the chinchillas.

In fear the little chinchillas backed away from him as he continued to yell.

"I am so sick of this! I am not going to let her disappear again!" He yelled.

"That is enough Beast Boy."

With anger in his eyes, Beast Boy suddenly turned around and glared at the speaker, but then suddenly became relieved when Raven appeared.

Beast Boy took a deep breath and sank to his knees. "Good. You're okay." He said.

Raven looked at Beast Boy with an inexpressive face. "Shouldn't you be more worried about yourself? Seems to me that you're the idiot." She told him.

Beast Boy sweat dropped. "Even with no memory you still insult me."

Raven glared at Beast Boy. "But that's beside the point," she said starting to get in his face, "What were you thinking!? You almost got yourself killed! What moron goes flying after a Voar and its rider!?"

Beast Boy shrunk from her and muttered an apology. "Sorry."

Raven let out a frustrated sigh before turning to the chinchillas and bowing. "Thank You, Kleyn Eyner." She said to them.

"Who What?" Beast Boy questioned in the background.

"The honor is all ours, your majesty." The lead Chinchilla said bowing back.

Beast Boys eyes widened as he stared in shock at the two.

"W-w-w-wha-WHAT!!??!?" He yelled in dismay, "Your MAJESTY?! I-....I...i don't understand what's happening..." Beast Boy sat down on the grass and held his head in confusion.

Raven just rolled her eyes at him before turning and walking away.

"Not my problem." She said.

Beast Boy looked up at her realizing that he was getting left. "He-Hey wait a second! Where are you going!?"

"I have come to the conclusion that you will be the death of me." She stated simply as she continued to walk away.

"Oh so... Where we going now?" Beast Boy asked oblivious to her point.

This I Promise (Beast Boy x Raven)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ