Chapter 1: The Boys

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“We love you too.” Claire says. “Plus, we are going to meet them at the concert.” Dilara nods.


“I cant believe we are going to this!” Claire says.

“I cant believe we won!” Dilara shouts.

“I cant believe I let you guys have all that sugar!” I mutter. They laugh at me. We are all in my room, fixing our clothes and makeup. Claire has the works; red lipstick, thick eyeliner, mascara, and some eyeshadow so dark it looks like she is bruised. Dilara has on Mascara and eyeliner, blue eyeshadow, and some blush. I took the liberty of going out and buying makeup. I put on some mascara, not even bothering with eyeliner. I put on the smallest trace of green eyeshadow, just enough to bring out my eyes. I have a little pink lipgloss on, because I like the cherry taste. I put on Dilara's extra One Direction tee shirt, I dont have any myself. Its white with their faces on it. I put on green shorts and my straw cowboy hat. I find socks and my new blue Airwalks, and put them on. “Its time to go, girls.” they both say they need more time. Claire puts on my orange shorts, identical to the ones I have on. “Do you want to be late and miss our chance to go onstage with them?” I say. They both move twenty times as fast as they were. We head out the door.

“I call shotgun!” Dilara says, running to my car. My dream car. Its the 2012 Newest Ford. Its bright red, and it seats six people. I know from experience that at least 12 people can sit in the truck bed. Thats eighteen people in one truck. Its got a moon roof, too. I open the moon roof so Claire can stand up in the back. We hear her yelling as I turn the key and pull out of the drive. Its a twenty minute drive to Anaheim, but the traffic is horrible. Too many teenage girls. But since we are part of the teenage girls, I cant complain.

“I see their tour bus!” I hear Claire shout from above. Dilara starts dancing in her seat. She pulls Claire back into the truck.

“Give my their album!” she shouts. Claire rummages through her purse and finds her unopened One Direction album. She hands it to Dilara, who rips it open and shoves the disc into my stereo. She starts playing What Makes You Beautiful, and we all start singing along.

“Your insecure, dont know what for, your turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or, dont need makeup, to cover up-” this goes on until we find a parking spot, and the song is to Stand up.

“And then i'll steal us a car!” Zayn sings “And we can drive to the stars, I can give you the moon its the least I can do, if you give me the chance-” I turn off the car, and the music shuts off. Claire and Dilara whine.

“Guys! We are going to see this in person, calm down!” I say. Im trying my hardest to stay calm myself. Im going on tour with five incredibly handsome boys. For a year. I have to make a good impression, which is impossible. When im nervous I tend to laugh uncontrollably and and turn amazingly clumsy. And im incredibly nervous. We walk into the Honda Center, where we walk about a mile through a sea of girls from ages 12 to 25. we find the right entrance and find our seats, all the way down in the front. Row 2, seats 20 – 23. I sit in the middle, restraining the girls from climbing over the fence and onto the newly risen stage. Safety precautions.

I pull them closer to me. “You'll meet them soon enough!” I whisper. “Calm down!” they both look at me like I was crazy. Whatever.

“Your just fine with waiting because you get to stay with them for all year.” Dilara says. Nobody is around us yet, so we can hear each other when we whisper. We hear a super loud megaphone say that the concert starts in five minutes. Girls file in loudly, screaming the boys names.

“GIVE ME YOUR GRAVY HARRY!” some twelve year old yells. I roll my eyes.

“I HAVE CARROTS!” the girls friend shouts. I just laugh, taking a carrot out of my bag and offering one to each of the girls. They take it and Dilara takes a bite of it like Bugs Bunny. I laugh and then hear the yelling of teenage boys. I turn to watch as Harry runs onto the stage. Louis follows, slapping Harry's butt. Zayn runs out afterward, followed by Niall. They fool around until Liam walks out calmly. They all look around innocently and line up, causing the crowd to roar. They all start dancing around as the beginning of WMYB plays. They start singing, and when Harry's solo began, the boys threw themselves at him and tried to make him mess up. Zayn got kicked in the nuts and Niall got a slap in the back of his head. Even Liam was trying to mess him up. Haha, I liked Liam. He reminded me of me, sometimes. Whenever there was no adult around, I sorta became leader. Like now. I made sure I knew where both the girls were. I kept tabs on what was happening around me, too many psycho girls, Dilara included. Dilara has been psycho for forever. I met her in seventh grade, she was in eighth. We didnt know each others names, but we played chess with each other every day for a month. I only won once. Finally I said no more, but we could do something else. We had become great friends, and had kept hanging out ever since. I met Claire that same year. I had just started to go to my churches youth group, and I didnt know anybody. Claire and Brooke were the craziest, so I started hanging out with them. They reminded me of some of my school friends. My craziest school friends, but my friends all the same. They've calmed down a little since I've met them, though. They've matured, aged, and learned more. I guess. My looks have changed too, my once blonde hair is now brown, but I've kept my highlights. Natural, of course. My eyes have changed from green hazel to just green. Dark green, like grass or trees. Instead of my old Heart band shirts and old jeans, I wear loose off the shoulder stuff with brightly colored shorts, saving my other clothes for days indoors. My messy buns from when I had short hair have been replaced by long, complicated braids. Nobody would recognize me then from now. Dilara still has crazy wild black hair, and pretty brown eyes. Shes still sorta violent, but super nice. Her style still hasnt changed, she still is comfortable in her own clothes. Claire is pretty much the same, too. Crazy, but predictable. Both of them are shouting at the top of their lungs, as Liam begins to sing in Everything About You. I shout too, clapping and jumping up and down.

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