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T'sha felt the words of her torementor as if she had been shot in the chest. She launched her self at the bully and knocked him over to the ground. Her emotions got the better of her, and before she try to regain any sense of logic and self control, her now balled up hands found themselves wailing on the child who had teased her. With tears in her young eyes as almost a years worth of grief and being the target of bulling finally released itself. As the tears made their way down her cheeks, a group of teachers stepped in quickly, pulling her off of the boy. Her teacher, a human named Margaret, pointed her in the direction of the principle's office. Telling her to wait until they could get a hold of her father and have a discussion about what had just happened. When her bully tried to lie and tried to play the victim for the entire incident, the same teacher told him that she would be talking to his father as well. When he tried to protest, the same teacher cut him off with a look as T'sha ran to the office with more tears streaming down her cheeks. She ran over and sat on a bench that was directly across from where the stafg worked, burying her head in her hands as she continued to sob.

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