Chapter 1: Discoveries

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While Jasmine was talking to Sara, Jax was taking Cassie on a tour of the ship. Although she was excited, Jax could easily sense her fear and wanted to put her at ease.

"I still can't believe how huge this place is!" Cassie marveled, taking in every inch of the ship. Being a wide-eyed 13 year old girl who hadn't ever seen anything like this before, she was absolutely amazed.

"You won't be saying that after having to share a bathroom with everyone else," Jax said with a small laugh.

"It's better than my current living conditions," Cassie pointed out. "I mean you've seen my Earth—it's not too great."

She fell silent and awkwardly looked looked down at the ground for a minute. "Thanks again for helping break me out," she mumbled at last. "You guys only knew Jas for like a month and didn't know me at all and still did you."

"Of course," Jax said with a nod. "You really think I'm going to turn down an opportunity to light things up and kick some ass?" he added playfully, only semi-joking.

"Watch the language," Cassie teased, sending him a smile. He laughed and smiled back.

"I still don't understand how you combined with that guy," she admitted, absolutely in awe of his transformation with Stein. Of course the physical transformation astounded her, but what was more astonishing was their actions. People openly using their powers was punishable by death where she was from, and Jax and Martin both happily defied that law. As did Alex, Amaya, Nate, and Jasmine.

"It took a lot of time and practice. And it took Gray and I a while, but we realized that we would both rather go out fighting than doing nothing."

"I wish I could fight," Cassie admitted quietly. "But I'm not like Jasmine or the rest of you. The most I've done is not allow Jasmine to save me so she wouldn't get locked up." Cassie sighed and looked down at the ground. Even though her sister's powers made both of them criminals, Cassie didn't mind. She admired her sister and wished she could be like her. She didn't think she had any cool powers like her sister—the closest thing that happened to her was some weird incident in prison.

"I highly doubt that, Cassie," he said, causing her to look back up at him. "Sacrificing yourself for your sister is one of the most badass things you can do, especially for a nine year old girl. I think you'll fit in just fine around here."

"You really think so?"

"I know so," a female voice said. Cassie whipped her head around after she realized that it was her sister.

"Come on. I have something to show you," Jasmine said. She gave Jax a nod and he returned it before Jasmine took her sister's hand and led them to their final destination. Two sliding doors opened to reveal a bedroom. There wasn't anything particularly exciting about it, but there were two beds in it and one of them was occupied with some of Jasmine's old clothes.

"Is this our room?"

"It sure is," Jasmine said with a smile. She had forgotten how much the Waverider had felt like home, even though she wasn't there for long. The others on the ship actually felt like family, something that Jasmine didn't have other than Cassie. As soon as her "parents" realized what Jasmine was, they fled. Cassie refused to leave Jasmine's side so their parents left the girls alone.

"Why didn't you bring me here after you guys broke me out?" Cassie asked, taking her sister out of her thoughts. 

"I wanted to give you as normal a life as she could," Jasmine answered. "Of course having to move often and hide from the government isn't normal, but it's a heck of a lot more normal than here. Although our Earth may be dangerous, I know I can protect you. But no one knows what'll happen once they step on this ship, and I didn't want to risk it. I know it might not seem like it, Cassie, but I was just looking out for you."

"I know," the younger girl said quietly. "I just wish things could be different. That people on our Earth didn't have to hunt people like you."

"I know, Cas," Jasmine said, leading Cassie onto the bed. "They won't be able to find us here."

"So does that mean you'll actually show me your powers?" she asked excitedly. Jasmine's face immediately turned red. She had forgotten that her younger sister had rarely seen her use her powers and was constantly begging to see them. Jasmine refused on the grounds of not wanting to get caught by the government, but there was something else. Something that no one else knew.

"I'm sure you will, sooner or later," Jasmine said reluctantly. "But if you beg, it'll be longer," she warned, knowing her sister too well. Cassie closed her mouth and looked shyly at the ground for a moment.

"Do you want to know something strange?" Cassie blurted out. "Every moment I spent in the government prison was worth it to me as long as you were okay. I didn't really care what happened to me as long as you were alive, so I hoped and prayed everyday that you were." Cassie was once again silent, unsure of why she was suddenly telling Jasmine something that she had been wanting to tell her for months but had been unable to find the right time or words.

"You should've told me earlier," Jasmine replied, wrapping her sister in a hug. "You are so incredibly brave and selfless. I have no idea how you were able to get through those six years. I'm so sorry for allowing you to be there for that long."

"It's not your fault Jas. None of it is. You offered to break me out but I didn't want you to get hurt. I knew that they couldn't hurt me, so I wanted them to focus on me and not you."

"What do you mean they couldn't hurt you?" her older sister asked.

"They tried to erase my memory. After it didn't work the first couple of times, they were suspicious. At first they thought it was the machine, but it was proven to be working after tested on someone else. They never figured out what the problem was, although they almost did. The problem was me. Apparently I have some mental block where I can keep anyone and anything out. They couldn't control me," she said at lightning speed. If Jasmine hadn't been more than human and hadn't grown up with Cassie, she wouldn't have understood a word that she was saying.

"How did you figure that out without them knowing?"

"I don't really know," Cassie admitted. "All I remember is that there was this doctor in the cell next to mine who somehow knew that I was...different. He helped me hide it from the agents and eventually died protecting my secret." The girls were silent for a moment, just hugging each other. They knew what the other was thinking and knew that they didn't have to say anything.

"Have you known this whole time that I had powers?" Cassie asked at last.

"I had a feeling," Jasmine admitted. "I've been waiting for months for you to tell me, Cas. I didn't want to scare you and I knew it was something you'd tell me when you were ready."

"Thank you," her sister said softly. "I have no idea how they work or what I can even do, and I'm scared Jas."

"Hey, it's going to be okay," Jasmine responded, gently stroking her sister's hair. "We're going to figure this out together, alright?"

"Together," Cassie agreed. Jasmine knew that Cassie needed to get some rest so she carefully tucked her in before turning off the lights and walking back into the hallway.

"Why haven't you been using your powers recently?" someone asked.

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