Chapter 2: Who Art Thou?

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"Well? Are ya gonna answer me or not?"

Zack towered over me...he was easily six feet tall. He looked down at me with an annoyed and impatient expression on his face. I think I was too preoccupied and curious about why he was covered with bandages, so it didn't immediately register that he was speaking to me.

"Huh? Oh...sorry...I was just looking around. I didn't mean to disturb you." I quickly answered.

"Tch." He continued to look down at me, as if sizing me up. Which was silly because we both know who would lose in a "Whatever. Just remember what I said."

"I won't forget it." I assured him, noticing that one of his pupils was a different size than the other. That was a bit odd, but I wasn't going to say anything about it.

I was quiet as he returned back to where he had been sitting. Not knowing what else to do, I decided to try and break the ice. After all, I guess, he was my new 'roommate' and we might as well learn to get along.

"By the way, where did you two find me...?" I began. He didn't even give me a second glance, but I continued. "I can't remember but she mentioned something about some guy holding a knife to my throat...?"

It was dead silent for a moment. I wasn't sure if he had heard me or just ignoring me. Standing there in silence, I finally sighed and turned to climb down the ladder when he finally chose to spoke.

"Yeah. He had a knife to your throat. And pulled your jacket off. All the while laughing like it was the funniest thing he'd ever done." Zack looked over at me. "He was too happy, so I slaughtered him."


That was all I could think of to say. Even though Zack told me enough for me to piece together what had been happening, I couldn't find it in me to feel scared. I don't know if it was just having no personal memory or maybe just the fact it wasn't happening now, but I didn't feel alarmed or scared or anything.

" saved me?" I finally managed to ask him.

"Not intentionally, so don't get that idea in your head. I really just wanted to murder the bastard. People who have smiles like that are monsters I'm all too happy to kill." 

"You killed him...?"

"That's right. His face was priceless when it went from happy to scared shitless."

"So you've killed before?"

"Yeah...That's right." 

"....I see." 

Any sane person would be instantly terrified for someone next to them to admit they were a murderer. I suppose I should have been. But strangely, I wasn't that scared of him. I didn't know how to react exactly. I figured if he really wanted to kill me, he would have already; he'd had ample opportunity.

"'I see'?" Zack repeated. I snapped out of my thoughts and glanced up to find him in front of me again, looking down with his anisocoriac eyes. More irritation painted across his face. "I tell you I'm a fucking murderer, and all you say is 'I see'?"

"Well, what else do you want me to say?"

He seemed to growl in response. Next thing I knew, there was a knife at my throat. How many more fucking times was there going to be a fucking knife at my throat tonight? "Most people would be scared outta their minds."

"So you want me to be scared?"

"That's not what I'm getting at...You're not afraid of me at all? Don't lie."

Maybe I should have been scared. A serial killer with his murderous knife at my throat. Instead of fear though, I only felt intense annoyance as I narrowed my (e/c) eyes at him.

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