Steve Harrington Imagine Requested- My Little Buddy

Start from the beginning

"I'm pregnant."  You said quietly to yourself.

Because you were trying to process the news, you didn't even hear the front door open and close.

"Y/N?  What are you doing home so early baby?  You usually don't get home for at least another hour or so."  Steve shouted from the other room.  You didn't say anything as you could hear his footsteps getting closer.  You heard him come to a stop in the open bathroom door.

"Honey?  You alright?"  He asked, his voice laced with concern.  Your hand was still resting on your face and the test still in your hand as you slowly turned to face him.  Steve saw your face and quickly moved to you.  His hands immediately grabbed your waist.

"What's wrong baby?"  He asked moving one hand to wipe away tears you hadn't realized had fallen down your cheeks.  As he moved his hand back down your back, he noticed the test in your hand.  He gave you a confused look:

"What is that?"  He asked quietly.

You sniffled:

"I'm a week late Steve."

Steve cocked his head to the side trying to understand what you were telling him.  A small smile curled the corners of your lips:

"This is a pregnancy test and I have the results already."  You said turning the stick to show Steve the two blue lines.  Still, Steve was oblivious to what you were saying.  You chuckled at his oblivion:

"Steve, I'm pregnant!"  You said pointing to the two blue lines for emphasis.  Steve's eyes widened and his jaw dropped before he pulled you into a tight hug.  You let out a little yelp when he lifted you off the ground and began to spin you around. 

"You're pregnant!?  I'm gonna be a dad!?  Finally!  Oh my gosh Y/N this is great!"  Steve shouted before placing you back down on your feet.  Tears sprang to your eyes when he got down on his knees and gently placed his hands on your tummy.  He lifted your shirt and placed a soft kiss on your bare skin sending chills up your spine.

"I'm so glad you're here and I can't wait to meet you.  Daddy loves you so much already."  Steve whispered quietly to your belly before leaving one more soft kiss. 

It wasn't long after that day when you began to get a bump.  It was small at first, but soon grew bigger and bigger.  Everyday tasks that were once easy started to become tiring quests.  Getting out of bed was no longer a graceful and swift movement.  Instead, with your growing baby bump, getting out of bed became a struggle to make sure your feet were stable before pulling yourself up.  Putting your shoes on was no longer as simple as slipping them on.  Instead, with your new larger tummy, putting your shoes on became a series of jumps and stomps before the shoes finally slid onto your swollen feet.  Being pregnant was a lot harder than you expected.  However, luckily for you, you had Steve by your side the whole time. 

Steve, unsurprisingly, was the husband every pregnant woman wanted.  When he saw you struggling to roll out of bed, he would gently place a hand on your back and help push you up.  When he saw you having troubles putting on your shoes, he would get down on his knees and swiftly slide them onto your feet.  Steve was always asking if you needed anything and was constantly telling you to sit down.  Every day Steve would talk to your belly as if the baby were sitting in front of him.  Every night he would kiss you goodnight and tell you he loves you before leaning down and doing the same to your tummy.  His adoration shined proudly on his face when he smiled at you.  His excitement radiated off of him when he would talk about his soon-to-be-child.

Steve went to every doctor's appointment with you sitting next to the bed holding onto your hand tightly.  He nearly jumped out of his chair when the doctor said you were having a boy.  That night Steve rambled on and on about everything he was going to teach him:

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