Johnny P.O.V
Omg! What the heck! I lost two our the people I love. This day couldn't get any worse than it already is. Or so I thought. "Come on!" I heard Vivian's voice. I looked around and then I walked over to the edge of the cliff and looked down. I see that Vivian is standing there with the bag of food. I could feel my eyes almost fall out of their socket. I hesitated for sec before stepping of the cliff. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" I thought i would miss the platform and craved myself for the death when I felt a pair of arms catch me. I open my eyes and see a lovely face. "Johnny is that you? I'm so happy to see you!"
"M-Maria? My Maria? It's you! It's really you!" I hugged her and not planning not to let her go. She tensed up for sec but then hugged me back. "I missed you so much." I started to sob into her shoulder. I felt so pathetic crying in front of my crush.
"Ssh ssh it's ok johnnycakes. You don't have to worry anymore." She cooed. After about 5 seconds, I lift my head and see my angle in front of me. I' don't know what got over me, before I knew it I was leaning in for a kiss. Her lips came in contact with mine and I felt magic all over my body. It took a second for her to kiss back. We were kissing on a cliff over a deadly river while the light blue sky was singing. It just me and her in all of the world.
"Ahem. I really don't want to interrupt this beautiful moment right now, but I have good news! they found your crazy a** dad and he's in jail! You can go back to the surface!" Cassidy come out and announced. Maria's face lit up like a Christmas tree and she smiled. Gosh her smile melted my heart.
"I can come out of hiding and be with you johnny! I can go home!" Maria squealed.
"It will be like old times! The gang will sure be happy to see you!" I exclaimed
Me, Vivian, Cassidy, Maria, and Ru packed up all their stuff and brought out of the cave. "Now how are we going to get up?" I asked.
"Simple." Maria said. She went over to a rock and it transformed into a keypad. She typed in random numbers and a lever popped out. She pulled the lever and then ran over to stand with us. She held my hand and said Hold on. Soon everything started to go up. It took about 5seconds and we were in front of Vivian's car.
"Ok! Let's go! I can't wait to get out." We stood in shock while she got in the back of the car.
"Remind me to bring the gang down here. That was fun!" Vivian said as the rest of us followed. I was till shaking when we got in the car, but when I was next to Maria everything was ok.

Vivian P.O.V
We were about a block away from the house when we see Soda and Sandy walking back hand in hand. I guess Steve left early. I don't blame him. I was prying they wouldn't see us, but I forgot that Maria, Ru and Cassidy haven't been to the surface for a longtime so they don't know. I thought they would scream hi, but they kept quiet. we arrived at the house and we decided that we would prank them. (Steve isn't here right now) So I went in the house first and then Johnny. He had to act sad. So he did.
"Hey guys. Any luck?" Darry asked.
"No and I'm gonna stop searching. well never find them." I stated and johnny nodded in agreement. I take a peek outside and see Ru and Cassidy holding banana cream pie. The rainbow water slide was in place and the chocolate cake with a balloon inside was sitting on the table. Time to put the plan to action. "Hey guys cheer up. there's chocolate cake outside!" Johnny said trying not to laugh.
"CAKE!" All the boys ran outside, except for Darry and Dallas because they knew what was going to happen. Little do they know that we have something else for them. When the boys got outside, the girls slammed the pie into their crush/boyfriend face and pushed them down the rainbow water slide (which was dye and water) they screamed like little girls as the slide took them to the gate of their house. When they got up, two bit saw the cake.
"This ain't suspicious right?" Pony looked under and over the table and saw no contraption of a sort. Taking that as a good sign two cut the cake and the balloon with flour inside pop and got all over them. Cassidy got her camera out and took a picture of them.
"Hahahahahahahahahah! You should've seen the looks on your faces." We all laughed. Dallas and Darry came outside to see what was going on. Pony and two turned around and were embarrassed. While they were wiping themselves off, Cassidy and Ru went inside and sat on the couch. I looked up and gave Maria the signal. In her hand was a bucket of ice cold water. "NOW!" I shout and moved out of the way. Darry and Dallas looked up and got soaked in ice cold water.
"Holy sh*** that's cold!" Dallas cussed out loud and Darry stood there in shock. I started laughing and Maria jumped down from the roof.
"Hey fellas! Did ya miss me?" Maria asked in an innocent voice.
"MARIA!!!!" The boys exclaimed and gave her a big hug. Thankfully she was in Darry's old jacket so she didn't get dirty.
"Oh that's good banana cream pie you got there pony and two." She wiped the pie off her face and licked it.
"Let's go inside shall we?" Maria said taking Johnny's hand and went inside. Two and Pony went inside to rinse off and the older boys got towels to rinse themselves off because it was still winter. I sat down on the couch, Ru and Cassidy went to make dinner, and Maria and Johnny were snuggling on the recliner. When everyone finally gathered in Steve came in the doorway and was shocked to see Maria. He thought he was dreaming so he slapped himself. It was funny. After he knew he wasn't dreaming he came over and gave her a hug. I told him about the prank we played and he was hysterical. Finally when all the boys were in the living room, We heard the doorbell ring. I automatically know who it is so i go and open the door.
"Did you find her yet? Is she safe?" Isabella was asking frantically.
"well why don't you find out for yourself?" I moved out of the way and Maria was standing behind me.
"Hey Isabela how's the pancakes coming?" Maria said.
I look over at Isabela and she had her hand to her mouth while her eyes sparkled like diamonds. She walked over to Maria and engulfed her into a hug.
"I missed you so much!" Isabela was now sobbing in her sisters arms.
"Well I'm here now aren't I?" Maria asked.
She laughed and then calmed down. We all went into the living room and watched cartoons. It was about 8:02 when dinner was ready.
"Hey who's cooking food?" Darry asked while looking up from his newspaper. Everyone (except me, Maria, and Johnny) looked to the kitchen to see who it is. Pony and two couldn't believe there eyes.
"Dinners Ready everyone! Come and get it!" Cassidy said.
"Don't want it getting cold now!" Ru came from behind Cassidy and smiled.
I swear Pony became the flash right about then. I blink an he's over hugging Ruth and engulfing her in kisses.
"My Minnie is back at the clubhouse!" Two bit exclaimed and kissed Cassidy's hand like Prince Charming. It was the cutest thing ever. Barf I thought to myself. Everyone gave hugs to one another then sat down in the dinning room to eat. It was right about then when the emotional roller coaster began. He walked in the door with a thot hanging on to his side.
"Hey guys! Look who's back in town!" Soda exclaimed.
Everyone turns around and sees the witch standing right there. I could sense the happiness fade from the room.
"Hey guys! It's good to see you agai- omg look out it's the mean queen!" I just sat there and rolled my eyes. Everyone didn't look shocked.
"Yea we know." Dallas said.
"Why aren't you running? She's going to hurt you! She stole the pineapple necklace Soda gave me!" Sandy exclaimed.
"Well I hate to break it to you but 1. This girl right here is my sister and I don't like you talking to her like that. 2. That pineapple necklace is her godmother's only jewelry she had and she didn't give it to you." Dallas said gettin up. He looked mad and you don't mess with a Winston when they're mad. "Dally calm down. Don't get carried away. Leave her be." I talked him into sitting down.
"Well, you shouldn't be talking Vivian. Tell them how you robbed us today and how you disconnected our phone line to the police!" Soda says wanting to get me in trouble. The gang looked at me shocked, but not angry.
"Now Vivian, what did we say about robbing stores with idiots in there." Two bit joked. Everyone chuckled at the joke except soda and sandy.
"So Soda who's this broad you have on your arms?" Maria asked.
"Oh Maria! Good to see you again! This is Sandy. My girlfriend." Soda exclaimed he sat down at the end of the table with Sandy on his lap. We ate the rest of our meal in silent, that is until Johnny made an announcement.
"Everyone, I have some very important news. So as you all know i have had a crush on Maria for the longest time now. She has made my life this amazing journey and I have been the happiest I've ever been. As you know, these past few weeks have been a nightmare without her. Now that she is back, my life is back on track. And to make sure she stays with ma and continues to love me," Johnny then dug out of his pocket this beautiful diamond ring, "María wonder, will you do me the honor and become my girlfriend." Maria had tears in her eyes at this point. Everyone was anticipated ,except Sandy, to see what her answer is. "Omg yesyesyesyes a million times yes!" Johnny slippers the ring on her ring finger and kisses her for a good solid minute. Me and the rest of the gang was whooping and hollering. It seemed like this night was going to end on a good note, but then miss prissy decided to open her fat mouth.
"I don't see what the big deal is. I mean hello I just came back from Florida! No one greeted me like this so she shouldn't either." Maria looked like she was about to cry so Johnny had to take her outside to calm he down. Now what she said may not have bothered me if it was a stranger, but she dissed my friends and boy was I pissed.
"Now listen here witch. I don't know who you think you are acting like we run under your command here. I don't know why you think we're all your slaves. I don't know what soda sees in you to make him love you, but I know one thing for sure. No. One. Hurts my friends and gets away with it." By then everyone backed slowly away from me. Dallas was on stand by incase I go bizirk. "You may think I'm making a big deal about this, but it's ok. Because if you know who I am, then you best know that I basically run this side. Your are in my territory and I don't appreciate your attitude. So here's how it's going to go, I'm gonna see if those two are alright and when I come back you better have an apology ready and then you get that princess butt of yours out of here. If you don't your gonna be one lucky gal to make it out of here alive." Now I could see how terrified everyone was. When i looked around, the table was off the ground and everything was flying. I took a deep breath and then everything fell down in it's normal position. I walked out to find the new couple and comfort them.

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