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A/N: Even though nobody's reading this it's over and I'm emotional. - Isabella xx

*1 Year Later*

It's incredible how much of a whirlwind everything is after that.

Louis and Harry are the talk of the year. They're asked to do hundreds of interviews all over the world, each interviewer wanting to be the first to reveal how this happened and to answer all the questions people are dying to find out. Twitter breaks out into pandemonium, with both Harry and Louis getting millions of tweets expressing their congratulations and how happy everyone is for them.

It's so, so nice to just be able to come clean and open, to not have to worry about saying the wrong thing or not saying what their management wanted. They don't have management, because they're not really in the limelight too much. Sure, they reveal what they want to reveal ("Are the kids yours?" "How old are they?" "Are you two getting married?" "When's the wedding?"), but they still keep some things private. It's crucial that they do; both Harry and Louis would feel too exposed if they didn't.

It's officially been a year since they came out. Louis had always thought it was an over-exaggeration when people said time flies, but now that he's a parent, he definitely believes it. Thomas and Natalie have grown up so much; Harry insisted on growing out Natalie's pretty curls, and they aren't all too long yet, but they will be soon. Either way, it's fun to put them up into little piggy tails and coo over her. She's remained tiny, for the most part, and isn't quite as big or tall as Thomas is. Harry likes to tease that he's literally a tiny little Louis, with his thin, caramel coloured hair that they style into a mini fringe and how stubborn he is already. Whenever Louis takes away from his playtime so he can eat (whether it be breakfast, lunch, or dinner), Thomas makes a huge fuss over it. He'll refuse to eat until Louis actually spoons the food into his mouth, and then he'll make a huge mess of it and get it all over himself as revenge.

Harry always smiles affectionately at him and he'll be the one to clean him off, cooing about what a messy, messy little boy he is.

Other than that, though, Thomas is an amazing little boy. He's still quiet and never puts up any fight when it's time to go to bed or when it's bath time.

Natalie, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. Louis knows it's probably his fault, since Harry had been just like Thomas as a baby and Louis, well, Louis had been the exact opposite. Natalie cries a lot, more than Harry and Louis thought possible, really. And the thing that surprises them both is that she never has any real reason to cry. She's never hurt or sick, she's on a pretty steady schedule and they always put her down for nap time around noon. She's just a very fussy baby, but that's okay, because she's easy to calm down, at least. She absolutely adores when Harry and Louis sing to her, sometimes their own songs, sometimes the weird hipster/alternative stuff Harry listens to.

Right now, Louis is sat with Thomas and Natalie, trying to get them to where he is on the floor. They're only about eight inches away, but Louis figures that's close enough. Both he and Harry have been attempting to get them both to walk lately. It's been pretty challenging, seeing as how they only stare at the two of them and then crawl over.

Louis has confidence in them, though. He cheers and smiles encouragingly, keeping his hands open.

It's almost in slow motion as Thomas cautiously stands up, something he's done before but he's never actually taken his first steps.

Louis' eyes widen. "That's right, angel. Come here to Daddy," he urges, voice light.

And just like that, Thomas is walking over to him, steps a little shaky but /still/. Louis' son is taking his first steps and it's a lot to process.

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