Prologue: Where did it all begin?

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"Fire. Blue fire was everywhere.. it engulfed the city like a disease. That's how it all started. To put our defense down. All I heard was screams.. all around me people were dying. Next, the skies darkened to the fact our sun had been eclipsed by the Moon, following with dark clouds, making the sky just about black. Then, it happened, the unimaginable horror of the noefourms, they escaped from behind the large wall that kept them. Each one coming in like bullets, ramming and eating the people around me alive. Each had horns and gruesome jagged teeth. Then out of the blue their heads whipped towards me. I ran for my life when they noticed I was there. Each came at me with blinding speed cornering me, I managed to run down an ally which they were too large to fit through. All I heard was their screeches fading away as I ran. There was no time to think to the fact my home around me was tumbling down. In a blink of an eye. Faster than anyone could comprehend, my heart racing and with my palms sweating, I hid in one of the boxes that had managed to be there. I sat there shaking and crying as more screaming and screeches boomed from the outside world. I never knew what was happening that day, until I grew older did the many people around me who survived that day, sat me down and told me. A female triangle named Midnight had gone mad, once a great warrior and loyal servant to the royal family, my family. They say out of nowhere she snapped, which was fatal to the fact, she protected us from the noefourms. I asked could there have been a reason? They all replied, the noefourms must have just gotten to her. They scrutinized her for being a mistake, which they weren't wrong.. you see, as a regular triangle she would have been assigned the job of a craftsman for clothing, but instead she was assigned soldier. She was given training like the abnormal triangles and she surpassed them all. A natural really. So with that she was assigned to fend off the noefourms, a dangerous job which required heavy agility and strategic thinking. Noefourms you see have a rather messed up tale of how they were made. Underneath the kingdom lays a laboratory, assigned to making and testing new specimen and creating noeforums. Noefourms you see, are a creature of many civilians souls, but don't fear we never use the good ones, we use the ones who are assigned death, as the people think they are killed, we mash their souls in one vessel, making sure they go through agony, pain, and the feeling of not knowing who and what they are anymore, they have no establishment of being a single identity, for that of our they aren't anyone anymore, they are one thing. We call them Noefourms to the fact they no longer have their own self. A husk of beings, resembling, having a triangle, square or circle as a mask/skull. Resembling us in total. Now. Since made of many, they have acquired a thinking set that somewhat surpasses any animal we've examined in our lab. They taught themselves to be predators which came at a cost to us. For they wanted to kill whatever and whoever layer on this side of the wall. You can call it blind rage. The days of the war shall forever scar me and keep the burning memory of what hell truly looks like in my mind. Those days, my family was eradicated from the face of Planusia, our kingdom and planet. I, Oaiah Circumference, is the second to last remaining member to the throne. My brother, Oasis Circumference is the recent king at the moment, I am his royal advisor and sister.He vows to make sure nothing like that ever happens again. We are immortal you see, as of two decades back, we were given a serum of immortality, so we may last forever and rule forever. It's not too much, it's just right for us. But back then we were mortal, my brother and I survived the eclipse war. Lead by Midnight and following her, those noefourms. Eventually the war was stopped a week from then when Midnight wats aptured by the triangle soldiers that we had left. That fateful day marked the end of the war, and that event let me finally leave that ally. Beaten and scarred from bruises and gashes, I noticed the guards marching down the street and I hesitantly followed. When I caught up,I saw Midnight. Her in all her horror, I just about ran away before being stopped by my brother Oasis as he blocked my path. His expression was one of surprise,pain and happiness when he saw me, but along with a new scar that lines his eye, I'm guessing it was an attack from a Noefourm that made that large scratch. Anyways. There were tears in his eye as he ran up to me, stumbling a few more times before he managed to finally hug me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2019 ⏰

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