Troubled Thoughts

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From Frank:

Hey Anna! I wanted to thank you for breaking the ice with me and Gee. That was really fun and I'm glad it happened! Also hope you're okay, I miss you. It's no fun here without you:(

His other text said:

Btw, if you're feeling blue listen to The Light Behind Your Eyes! I'm not trying to advertise I promise XD. But Idk, it helps me, and I hope it'll do the same for you.

That made me smile. I replied with:

Thank you so much Frank. I'm listening to it right now. I hope you guys have a fun rest of the night :)

I hit send. It made me feel guilty that I hadn't replied to anyone else, but everyone else's messages were about Pete, and I was just trying to forget about him right now. I turned on the song Frank requested, and closed my eyes. A text message alert pinged. It was a number that I didn't have in my phone.. I read the message.

Hey Anna! Its Courtney. I'm so sorry about tonight, I didn't think you and Pete had a thing. But you have to admit, he's too hot to resist. Plus he IS a great kisser. Oh wait, you wouldn't know ;( Anyways, I think you should just give up because he could never like a girl like you. After you left, he was all over me. Well bye, hope you have a great night!

This time I didnt choke back a sob. What was the point? No one was home to hear me anyways. My parents had gone out to dinner, and again Becca was probably at the dance. I let it all out. Tears spilled down my cheeks for the 100th time today. I screamed into my pillow. This wasn't fair. What have I done to deserve this? I went into the bathroom the wash off my face again. But this time when I walked in, something caught my eye. My razor in the bath tub. My mind screamed no, but I still walked over and picked it up anyways. I thought of Pete making out with Courtney, and I welled up with emotion. But this time, instead of just sadness it was anger. How could he betray me like that? How could Julia lie and say it wasn't his fault, when I knew it was? Why does everyone always betray me? Was I really this worthless?

Yep. I picked up the all too familiar blade, ready to slash my skin. Suddenly there was a loud bang and Becca waltzed in from the door connecting her room and the bathroom. The loud noise had startled me, and the blade slipped. I cut way too deep, and the cuts were very long. I gasped in pain, and Becca spun around. When her eyes had processed what was going on, they grew wide in fear. Her hand went to her mouth.

"ANNA, WHY?!?" She yelled, cringing and her voice cracking.

"I-I-I" I started. The feel of warm liquid pouring all over my body made me look down. I started screaming. I felt sick and dizzy. This was way too much blood.

"Help me.." I said, about to faint.

She opened the cabinet and pulled out a roll of paper towels. She ripped a huge wad, and threw the roll to the floor. She rushed over and held the towels onto my left arm, while keeping a ton of pressure. The wad that was pure white before, was now turning completely red. I felt dizzy again.

"DON'T LOOK!" She screamed. She threw the bloody towels in the bathtub and got some more.We repeated the process for about 10 minutes until the blood slowed down.

"Okay." She sighed. "You can look now."

I carefully glanced down at my arm. There were four, parallel vertical cuts that ran from the beginning of my wrist, all the way down to my elbow. They were dark red, but not nearly as bloody as before.

"Th-thank y-y-you." I managed to say to her. She was closing her eyes, but she nodded. She then cleaned the cuts, and looked right into my eyes.

"Tell me why you've done this." She demanded. I told her exactly what happened, and about the text I relieved from Courtney. As soon as I was done, her eyes lit up with anger. I'm glad I wasn't the only one upset.

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