"But Mr.Chang," Jeonghee whined," She was talking perfectly fine before you walked in, cant you see, they are lying."

"Now Ms.Lee, do I need to put you in detention?" Mr.Chang threatened.

"No sir Mr.Chang," Jeonghee looked down at her desk. Jeonghee was always in detention, if she wasn't in detention she was at the principals office in trouble.

"Okey back to class-" Suwa began to space out thinking of Jia Hanyu.

The bell rang causing Suwa to snap back to reality. Suwa quickly grabbed her things and shoved them in her bag, and headed to second period.


After fourth period children flocked to the school cafeteria. Suwa and Jisoo were happily talking their way to the cafeteria when Jeonghee walked up beside them," Hello Suwa, Jisoo."

Suwa and Jisoo looked at Jeonghee like she was a crazy psycho.

"What do you want Jeonghee?" Jisoo snapped at her.

"Why so harsh," Jeonghee put her hand on her chest as if she was offended," I just came here to tell you that you better watch your backs. You never know what will happen."

As Jeonghee said this, Jaehee came up behind them and pushed them. Suwa and Jisoo fell to their knees. Jisoo threw her lunchbox across the floor on an accident.

"Oh look what we got here Jaehee, a lunchbox, why don't we see what's in here," Jeonghee opened the lunchbox," Wooooa, look Jaehee," Jeonghee dumped Jisoo's lunchbox out spilling the food onto the floor.

"Wooa," Jaehee said," White Rice, Gimbop and Kimchi, how nice," Jaehee looked at Jisoo and smiled an evil grin," too bad it's ruined," she teased.

The two girls laughed and walked into the lunchroom to sit by their boyfriends Hanyu, and Zeyu.

"Ugh I'm so sorry Jisoo, I wish I could have done something, I bet the food was absolutely delicious. Knowing your mother it was."

Jisoo doubles over and began to cry, Suwa didn't know what to do. Suwa grabbed Jisoo into her embrace," it's okey Jisoo, you shouldn't cry over them, they're just bullies."

"I know..." she said in between sniffles," it's just that...I wanted you...to enjoy...a nice...lunch..." her friend was now sobbing and grabbing her shirt to hide her face.

"Song Jisoo don't you dare cry like this, come on let's stand up and go to the bathroom to wipe your tears."

Jisoo stood up with Suwa and walked to the bathroom. Jisoo finally stopped crying and washed her face.

"Now," Suwa said," do you feel better?"

"Kinda," Jisoo Smiled at Suwa," thanks for being such a good friend Suwa...I'm sorry I cry so easily."

"It's fine Jisoo, I understand why you cried, your mothers cooking is the bomb," Jisoo laughed along with Suwa.

The two walked out of the bathroom,"Hey, my sister packed my lunch maybe she packed some kimchi?"

"Yea," Jisoo Smiled," Maybe, your sister is a good cook."

Suwa got into her locker and got her lunchbox and headed to the cafeteria.

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