Change Of Plans

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***just So you guys now I give full credit to the people who drew the pictures on my cover. I did not draw them myself so please give them full credit for drawing the pictures.***

I was falling down a deep dark pit.

So this is what it feels like to fall into Hell. I thought grimly

I waited to feel the burning sensation and my throat raw from screaming but it never came.

Is that a delay or what? I was getting irritated.

I kept on waiting until I fell onto a soft pad of flowers.

Have I been given a second chance? The thought races through my mind.

"Howdy i'm Flowey, Flowey the flower." I heard a voice from behind me.

"You must be new around these par-" I cut him off before he could finish the sentence.

"I have missed you so much!" I cried with a strain in my voice.

Flowey looked confused but then a glint of realization flickered in his eyes.

"Ch-Chara? I th-thought you were supposed to be dead." Flowey said astonished and tripping over his words.

I nodded at him slowly. Then I saw something different about him. His petals were torn and bruised. He was more trusting and he had a friendly face.

What? I am so confused.

"Hey what's going on Flowey?" I asked.

He cocked his head to the side like a confused puppy. I sighed and played along.

What is really going on? I seriously don't understand. My mind protested against the fact of playing along.

I ignored that and counted down the seconds until Toriel would come.






"Oh my, a child has fallen into the underground." Toriel said concerned behind me.

I turned around and looked at her. I felt my heart cry out for her but I didn't let it show.

"Hello my child, my name is TORIEL do you need help?" she asked me.

I shook my head no.

Everything seems normal.. Wait what is she wearing?

Toriel was not wearing her usual purple and black gown. She was wearing a black and red gown instead. And her eye color was yellow.

"Mom this child's name is Chara." Flowey added breaking the silence.

"Well then Chara come with me my child because the RUINS are very dangerous with all of the puzzles." Toriel told me taking my hand.

I grabbed Flowey in his pot and went along with the strange Toriel. She led me through all of the familiar puzzles. But we did not stop for her usual 'trust exercise' which was very strange.

Somethings wrong and I know it. This must be Hell!

"Toriel can I call you mom?" I asked with a sweet smile.

This feels so wrong.

Toriel looked genuinely surprised.

"S-sure my chi-Chara." Toriel replied with a painted smile.

Usually Toriel replies with pleasure. Something is really really wrong with this picture.

I sigh and marched on. It had been a full 10 minutes of an uneasy silence when Flowey laughed uneasily.

"Hey mom? Maybe when you get home you can make your special pie." Flowey hinted slyly.

"Oh, but we must find out what the child likes first..... Chara do you like vanilla and blueberries?" Toriel asked without turning her head.

This is a different dimension.

The clues were right under my nose the whole time. Toriel's and Flowey's apperence. The way they are was even a sign. I realised I had stopped when Toriel asked what was wrong.

"Nothing." I said in a quiet and quivering tone.

Slowly I started to walk again. My heart was filling up with something unfamiliar. I couldn't quite put my hand on it but it was a small feeling, slowly growing bigger.

"My child, we are at your new home." Toriel stated interupting my thoughts.

I look up and see that the house was still the same. Those little things lifted my spirit a little. I went inside after Toriel did.  Flowey cleared his throat.

"Chara how are you still alive? I saw you die in the GENOCIDE run." Flowey pushed.

"I don't remember what happened. All I know is that this is not my original timeline. In my original one I am only a spirit. Or as you would think, a thought. But this is not my timeline." I told Flowey.

"So what you are saying is, that you are not the original Chara from this 'timeline' but you are a different Chara stuck in this place?" Flowey restated what I had just said in a slow manner.

I nodded my head in agreement. So Flowey sighed and shook his head swinging around his beaten up petels.

"Well.... Welcome to your new timeline Chara. Don't kill ANYBODY." Flowey looked at me with his evil face.

"That's the Flowey I know!" I exclaimed looking at Flowey with excitement.

"Don't get used to it. I am going to lead you through this world so I am your friend." Flowey said changing his face back to his normal look.

But this time his look was distant and sad. He was looking away and then back at me. I turned around to see what he was looking at. It was a picture of a little girl like me exept she had a black and red striped sweater. I looked down at my sweater and realised it was covered in slashes and burns. And a lot of dried black blood. Wait do I have a soul? I do! For the first time I had my own soul. Not some other persons soul but my own. Asgore! He is going to come after me and try to take my soul! I walked into the kitchen leaving Flowey behind.

"Mom can I please have a new shirt this one's torn up quite a bit." I asked Toriel nicely.

Toriel took one good look at me.

"Good heavens child, how could I have not noticed? Follow me we can get you fixed up quickly." Toriel told me rushing me into a bedroom.

The bedroom looked like a little child's room. There were two twin beds and two wardrobes. Both seemed as if they haven't been opened in years. Toriel pulled out a big sweater that had the same patterns as the girl's sweater did in the photo. Toriel left the room so I took off my sweater and put on the other one. The black and red sweater fit perfectly.

What happened to that little girl?

The thought sent shivers down my spine.

Falling Before Waking (Underfell Sans x Chara)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu