"You guys still do that C and L thing? "


The C and L thing came from their middle names Amora Chantal Hamington and Nikolas Louis Edward James.

"When we land please wake me up I need a little rest since the gala/conference is at night and by night time we'll be there.

"Good Afternoon to you all my name is Amora Hamington and after my Grammy told me about all the pain people suffering from Albinolism go through when my brother told me about expanding our family organization all I could think about was Albinolism...

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"Good Afternoon to you all my name is Amora Hamington and after my Grammy told me about all the pain people suffering from Albinolism go through when my brother told me about expanding our family organization all I could think about was Albinolism and when I told my brother this he gave me one funny look because where I come from Albino's are treated any differently we don't even falter or come up with possible ways to kill them so when I told my brother this he was confused until I explained fully what I meant and he actually praised me for doing this and I just thought but how will I help you deal with these killings well first Educate and I'll tell you educating is always the key no matter what, the second, understanding of you understand what you're dealing with then I'm sure you'd know how to help people last help, if we help stop these theories that if you kill and Albino you'll gain money then we'll surely get somewhere but I want you guys here to help me with this because as I said where I come from this is not a big issue, and also our Youth don't you think it's time we help our youth stay away from sexual intercourse this way we'll get them to stop throwing away their future help them stay focused on their studies because we want future doctors don't we I mean I would surely not feel comfortable getting help from a person who didn't even go to university and lastly scholarships and bursaries, we'll help them get the education they need and also we'll have teachers who'll volunteer to help these kids after school as part of help save the youth program but first I ask you to help me,  help me help these kids who need the education I thank you" she said walking over to where she unveiled a plaque to mark the opening of the organization.

She then dined with all the people who had been there to open the charity at the end of the night she had a little chat with Nik and the following morning she caught a plane ride to the Cape where she would be chatting to few students at the University.

The next day after landing in the Cape after Amora saw the place she had decided that she wanted to explore it more and that's why after her little chat with the students she decided to change her outfit and went up to Robbin Island and after this...

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The next day after landing in the Cape after Amora saw the place she had decided that she wanted to explore it more and that's why after her little chat with the students she decided to change her outfit and went up to Robbin Island and after this she penguins at boulders beach and she couldn't stop gushing about the penguins and how cute they where after watching the penguins she heard that there was a place where you could actually view Whales and she definitely jumped at the opportunity .

She then changed into some trainers so that she could take a hike up to table Mountain where she took a picture of the mountain.

"I wish Nik was here but his not ugh"

"Amora you know that your plane leaves on a few minutes"

"What! ? What are we waiting for let's go" she said rushing to take her luggage "One last thing"
she said in the plane as post a picture on insta.

"What! ? What are we waiting for let's go" she said rushing to take her luggage "One last thing"she said in the plane as post a picture on insta

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#ImlovingCT I've enjoyed my stay even though my day at the beach was ruined by a little bit of drizzle.

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