Chapter 19 ~Marriage?~

Start from the beginning

"Let's leave him." I said, "Y/N!" They both laughed,
Just then Sehun came out running,
"Get your ass here slow poke!" I shouted peeking in the window, 
"Coming fat a$$!" Sehun shouted back and I sat down properly crossing my arms.

"*sehun sat beside me* Ready to go dad" Sehun said, "Who are you calling a fat a$$??" I asked glaring at him, "I was joking." Sehun said and chuckled, "Why does he have to wear something so formal?" I asked, "Elegant is elegant dear" Mom simply explained, "Plus we're going to this restaurant and re-meet the Parks" Dad said,
"At Jimin's house?" I asked,
"No, in this hotel ballroom. The 3 of you could hang out, you guys don't need to hear what we need to discuss" Dad said,
"Oh, good thing then" Sehun said, smiling brightly,
"We won't be bored" I said.

The drive then became silent.

I just played something on my phone.

Until we arrived at this fancy restaurant.

We all walked inside with 6 bodyguards behind us,
"Why do we need bodyguards again?" Sehun asked, "It's making everyone's attention on us" I whispered, "Protection of course" Dad said and we quietly went to this VIP room.

At our surprise.

Irene & V's family are there with them too.

Sehun's hand turned into a fist.

"Calm down Sese" I whispered, stroking his back.

"I can't" Sehun whispered back,
"Then act like you don't know them" I whispered, "You're actually a pro at that..." 

We sat on our assigned table.

"Yah... just forget I ever did that to you" He said, with full guilt written all over his face.

The bodyguard was about to pull my chair but I stopped him.

"I'll do it. You don't have too" I said and smiled at him.

"Miss, that's why we like guarding you, you're so kind" Sungjae said, smiling at him, "You too" I said and we both gave each other a high five.

"You both get along very well" Dad said, taking the menu in his grasp. "And so?" Sehun asked, scanning through the menu. "She'll have him as her personal bodyguard" Mom said, "Right" Dad replied to mom, giving me internally a very annoyed feeling. "Appa, I don't need one. I'm fine alone" I said and started looking at the menu,
"When you're just out." Dad simply said,
"That could do. Thanks appa" I replied, "But clearly not all the times." I added, just to make sure I won't a have a bodyguard tailing me behind my back.

We all chuckled.

We started talking about different things.

Catching the 2 noble families eating beside us.

Mrs Kim's Pov


"Mr Bae, we would like to discuss this business at this 5 star hotel" I said,
"We would love too, right Honey?" Mr Bae asked her wife, "Yes dear. Irene you're coming" Mrs Bae said, "It's settled then" Mr Kim said,
"Taehyung, you're coming too" I said,
"Yes, got it auntie" Tae said,

My attention went to the young lady talking with her bodyguard I eavesdropped.

I like her.
She's a potential young girl.
I looked at her parents, oh isn't it the family Oh's
What a small world.

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