Scott makes a move to follow them until I grab his arm and motion to the scared girl over by the fire. I carefully approach the girl with my hands up while she steps backwards.

        "Are you okay?" Scott asks her.

        "W-What?" The girl stutters with a fearfully look in her eyes.

        "Are you alright?" I ask her this time. She nods her head, not saying a word. "You need to get out of here, okay? Get out of the woods. Get out of here as fast as you can."

        Scott tugs on my arm until I give in to him. We take off running in the direction the rest of them went. We pick up our pace once we are completely out of view from the girl. Isaac's scent is easier for me to catch since he is my brother, so I follow it until we come across the two of them in the middle of a clearing with no Cora in sight.

        "We lost her." Isaac informs us. 

        I run my hand through my slightly tangled hair. Great. Just great. Who knows where they could be by now. Scott's phone goes off and I jump from the loud noise. He scrambles to answer it and I'm not surprised at all to see Stiles' name on the screen. 

        "Lydia found a dead body at the pools." Stiles' voice rings through the device.

        With wide eyes, I turn to Derek and Isaac. A dead body? Are they moving that quickly?

        "Are you sure?" Scott turns his back to us.

        "Yep. Throat ripped out, blood everywhere. It's like the frickin' Shining over here. If two little, twin girls come out of the woods, start asking me to play with the forever and ever, I'm not gonna be surprised."

        How could they be moving so fast? We were literally just chasing them down a few seconds ago. There's no way that they could have made it all the way over there so quickly. What if we have another killer on our hands?

        "Can you get a little closer to make sure it was them?" Scott asks. 

        "Make sure it was them? Scott, who else is going around ripping throats out?"

        "Please just do it."

        Stiles mumbles something that I can't quite catch and Scott hangs up. There is no way that is was Boyd and Cora. Even Derek can't move that fast. I don't think the full moon would be affecting them that badly to make them run even faster than normal. 

        "This doesn't make any sense. The public pool is all the way on the other side of the woods. We haven't tracked them anywhere near there." Derek speaks aloud once Scott turns back around. 

        "Derek, they killed someone."

        I shake my head at Scott. "It can't be them."

        "How are they moving so fast?" Derek continues.


        "But, they can't be that fast on foot."

        "They killed someone. Some totally innocent kid is dead...And it's our fault." Scott states with the harsh reality.

        I shake my head once more. "No, it's not them. There is no way that they could have made it all the way over there by now. Werewolves are fast, but you're not that fast."

        All of them ignore me. 

        "It's my fault." Derek admits.

        "We need help." 

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