"You pathetic coward!" she sobbed, finally giving up on her struggles, as his grip loosened. She collapsed to the floor, her hands covering her face. His entire being wanted to reach out to her, holding back his tears was proving to be difficult. He fell to his knees and crawled to her not caring about his stoic behaviour or how much she didn't want to be held by him. He grabbed her and held her tightly to his chest, the tears streaming down his face as he held her. She struggled at first trying to stop him from holding her but he felt her give in ball his shirt in her fists, sobbing out insults as he sobbed out apologies.
"I didn't know what to do, so I stayed away, I wanted to say something but I didn't know what to say to you, I couldn't muster up the courage to say anything to you," he sobbed. They stayed like that for a while, not moving.
"I'm sorry, I never should have left you, I was so stupid," his voice shook, he hated seeming this vulnerable around anyone. She wiggled a little and moved out of his embrace. He watched as she dried her eyes and sat up straight. He swiped his arm across his face to get rid of his tears, but he knew his eyes were puffy and red.

"Can I ask you one question?" she asked. Her voice was hollow but he could hear the pain behind her words, the hurt that hid behind her angry eyes.
"You can," he said softly. Her head hung low, looking at her skirt and stockings, her fingers playing with the hem of her skirt.
"Why did you write to me after my date with Deku?" she lifted her head, looking at him, her gaze piercing.
"I had wanted to talk to you that Thursday, the day you made me breakfast, but I saw you and Deku outside the school. I'd realised you moved on, so I let it be," he bowed his head avoiding her gaze. He was ashamed of his patheticness. "But I kinda forgot about it after some... illegal choices the night before," he paused, he didn't want to lie, but he also didn't really want to tell her that his older sister got him hammered, he was still two years under drinking age. "Then on my way to get the pink freak, we had made plans to go somewhere that day with everyone and as I walked passed, she literally threw you into me, and I remembered. I was thrown back into the depressed state when I saw how amazing you looked, for someone else, so I walked away after you left and found myself in Kirishima's room, and now I owe him a new punching bag since I broke his last one," he said sheepishly. "But they convinced me to go with them to wherever they wanted, and that's how we ended up at the same place as the two of you, my sister had already known about all of this, but I didn't tell Kirishima or the bug zapper, so that's how that whole situation happened. But I couldn't stop watching you two, hearing your laughter, it made me angry, angry at that fucking bastard Deku, and myself," he growled, and she cleared her throat in disapproval at his statement. "When we left for my mom's house, my sister brought out some... illegal stuff, and the whole group made some poor choices," he averted his gaze.
"Oh so that's why Mina and Kyouka had such a hangover the Sunday," she stated.

"Anyway, we were actually having a great time, my parents were out for the weekend so we had more freedom. And then I felt it," the thought of it made him sick. "That kiss, I almost got sick when I realised what was happening, and I couldn't stop myself, I tried so hard to let you be, but I couldn't, everything went to my head and I wrote to you, I'd felt all those good feelings during the day and I deduced that you were at an amusement park and all of it just overflowed," he said, tears pricked at his eyes, but he held them back.
"Why did you say that you weren't in love with me?" she asked. His head snapped up, his eyes wide. The look was there again, but she looked more sad than angry.
"I was trying to let you go, trying to give up my hold on you, but I knew I couldn't do it, I was utterly selfish, I can't even lie and say it was the alcohol," he sighed, "I was scared that you'd be disappointed with who I was really, since I wasn't Deku, I was okay with lying to myself that I could let you go if I found someone, which was Kirishima's advice, but I knew I didn't want to," He explained. He felt like a child explaining what he did wrong.
"Then what happened with the fight?" she asked. "why did that happen?"
"White rage," he stated plainly. "I was already angry as it was, since Kirishima had arranged a stupid date with me and some girl from first year, but when Sunday came I stood her up, hiding at home "sick"," he showed air quotes "and then the Monday she had asked me to go have something to drink with her, which I declined, I told her the truth, that I was in love with someone, she understood and was in the same situation as me, so that was the end of that,"
"That still doesn't explain the fight, get to that," she huffed, he looked up at her and saw a hint of annoyance on her face, she didn't look amused, in fact, she looked a little jealous. Katsuki smirked at her and leaned forward.

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