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Name: Mizuo Syakira.

Nick name: Just call me Syakira.

Age: 18.

Birth:19th June 1992.

Hair: White.

Eye: Red.

Shirt: Any shirt, dress, school uniform and pyjamas.

Hate: Do not like a rat.(when she see this animal...she will kill it)

Like: She like a sweet things like..candy, caramel,ice cream and so on.

The boy that she like: Kanoni.

Daily life: She always come to school late.(Just like always).

She late just on 2-3 minutes. She really hate Michiko-sensei because when she late go to school Michiko-sensei will screaming at her just like the volcano.

Name: Sakura Kano.

Nike name: Kanoni.


Birth: 14th February 1991.

Hair: White.

Eye: Yellow.

Shirt: School uniform, jacket and so on.

Hate: ??

Like: Coffee.

The girl that he like: *******(secret)

Daily life: He always come to school in time. When many girls see him they will fell in love with him. He really don't like a girl that think of herself. He always get full mark.

Name: Genko kirimi.

Nick name: Genko.

Age: 18.

Birth: 2nd December 1992.

Hair: Black.

Eye: Green.

Shirt: Anything.

Hate: Cat.

Like: Bento. (It is the best!!!)

The girl that he like: Momo.

Daily life: He is an idiot. He always smile in front  of anyone no matter who is he/she.

Name: Maika Momo.

Nick me: Momo.

Age: 18.

Birth: 12th January 1992.

Hair: Purple.

Eye: Red.

Shirt: Dress and school uniform.

Hate: Snake.

Like: Chocolate.

The boy that she like: Kanoni.

Daily life: She is a beautiful girl. All the boy see her they will fell in love with her. She like to see many cat in the school.  There was so many cat in there. She is thinking herself and she like kanoni. Kyaa!! Kanoni-senpai is so handsome.

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