A Sudden Visit (continuation)

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I went to sleep and slept peacefully the whole night. The next day was still cold. But this time, it looked like there was a snow storm outside. I stood by the window and saw people and some students who went to school run back to their homes. The snow storm was cold because I can tell. I touched the window with my hand and I saw it was almost turning to ice. I woke Axel up and i asked:

"Axel, what is happening out there?"

"I dunno Master, It seems like your real controlled father but not sure if his spirit is there is making a massive snowstorm. I' am sorry but Taniya, I think you think your father is alive but he is controlled. He cannot talk though because he is being controlled as i said"

"How can we stop him?"

"We cannot Master, He is indestructable in many ways! He cannot communicate, he can fight, He is very strong and has no weakness."

"Where is the sword you have provided for me?"

"Here Master"

He gave me the sword and then it lit up.

"The Chosen one"

"Yes, My necklace is the same as it is"

"Master, it is a pair. With those two you are indestructable!"

Fanogg suddenly barged in and asked:

"What is happening?"

"Fanogg, My father is doing this! We must stop him!"

"Yes Master, With those two you are undefeatable!"

Just great! They both rely on me now. Suddenly I floated on air. An armour was being built on me and then I landed when it finished. I was wearing an armour made with the finest gold of Fantasia. I had a shield made with silver and it had a symbol of my necklace. Meaning the necklace built it on its own.

"I summoned thee necklace! Arise with me!"

My surroundings where an army built by the necklace. We charged to defeat my father but with one hit of his sword. We all fell to the ground. But I had a shield and i pushed my father! He had this armour built by magic. It had some shadow around it and it means pure evil. I raised my sword and the sky changed. It was dark and cloudy, And lightning struck father. He was pushed away but still he was on his feet. 

"Father, it is me! Taniya Snowdon your daughter!"

His mouth didn't open and so suddenly a voice spoke.

Your father is in my hands Taniya... And he will never be your father no longer in one condition.


Hand me over the sword and the necklace! So your father shall be free! 

"How am I so sure that you will really free my father?"

How clever, I can prove it to you. 

Suddenly the blue skin of my father faded back to his original color. His eyes were no longer red and his hair was no longer grey but white. 



"Get out of here! Before it is too late-"

Before he could finish, he was turned back to his evil form.

So now, hand it over or you will never see your precious father ever again! 

"First, set him free or I won't hand it over"


The voice set my father free and layed him on air. He was floating and was in a deep sleep. The voice pushed him towards me and then I approached the sound. I took off the necklace and then slowly placing my hand out with it. Then Fanogg and Axel shouted no! I handed it over and then after a few seconds. I sliced it before I even gave the sword. The necklace was destroyed and I regretted for doing so. The voice yelled "No!" And suddenly it faded. So it means the necklace I was wearing was the source? Or something important to him and couldn't do anything anymore but fade away. Mom barged in the room with Dad and Radcliffe. Luckily I was sitting on my bed with Fanogg holding Axel as a purse. When I looked back, the snowstorm was gone. I looked around and saw father lying on my bed. But we were covering it so they couldn't see it. They looked around the room and saw nothing wrong.

"Dear did you here a roar of war?"

"No mom"

"Okay then, no school again since the snow storm earlier caused major damage..."


They closed the door when they left the room. Dad was awoken and he saw me. Tears were shed from his eyes and he hugged me tightly. 

"Taniya... I' am so sorry for leaving you!"

"It is alright"

"What happened to mother?"

"She passed away because of the Aggressive Syphillis disease"

"I' am so sorry you became an orphan... Our family was so poor and i had to leave but I was caught and I don't remember what had happened next!"

"Don't worry... Now you have to go back home"


Fanogg summoned the Moon stone and it sent father back home. And so I asked:

"Fanogg, for what purpose now are we staying here?"

"I don't know Master"

"Should we go back?"

"It is so soon Master... You just had school"

"Right but after how many years we are leaving"

"Yes Master"

The next breezy morning. It was no longer snowing. The snow had evaporated and school began. Everyone looked happy i think because some were upset. On our way to school riding the bus, I saw Radcliffe alone this time. Crystal was sitting with her besties and ignored Radcliffe. What is wrong with those two? The bus stopped and we all hopped off the bus. Wynton wasn't waiting for Radcliffe, he had another bestfriend. But Radcliffe had more than just a friend. Wynton was his super bestfriend since Elementary but i guess things get complicated. I headed straight for my first class which was English for today. We studied all day until we reached lunch time. I ordered mulberry pie with the some sugar on top and a mulberry itself. I just got a cup and refill my glass of water. Some students would sit with me and some will not. When I looked around there was a poster for the Ice skating club. It is a contest for who performs solo the best. I was suddenly challenged and ate up every single speck of my mulberry pie. 

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