It's possible. Olivia, that girl is not normal. She might steal Yukhei at any cost, so he needs to do something.

But how?

"If you're really worried that much then why don't you go to Hong Kong and see him?" Ten spoke suddenly, still eyes on the book. That's why, Jungwoo eyed him and gets up.

"Huh? You mean, literally?"

"Hell, yes bitch! If I were in the same shoes with you, I will do the same because I can't trust that girl who keeps tailing your man." Ten looks at him finally then hold him on his both shoulders. "You wanted to be there for him, right?" He asked then Jungwoo nodded. "You wanted to feel him better, well dear if you really love you'll do anything for him, to make him happy."

"That's right. I love him very much." Jungwoo nodded again and pressed his lips into a thin line.

"Honey, words are not enough to prove your love. Do you get what I mean?"

Jungwoo bit his lower lip then, glance the picture of him and Yukhei together on his side table. He took it and stared lovingly.

He's right. All the time, Yukhei is the one who often do something for him, for their relationship. This time, he should do something too. He would love to cross the ocean just to see him.

Okay. This is it.

"I need my passport." Jungwoo smirked.

"You're what?" His mother asked him.

"I'm going to Hong Kong. Allow me to, please? My boyfriend needs me. Mommy please." Jungwoo cried while pulling his mother's arm softly just to let him go and give him his passport.

"But sweetie, you haven't been in Hong Kong. You didn't know the environment there, what if you encounter a criminal there and something bad happens to you?" His mother. She's talking with his son with a very soft voice because Jungwoo is still a baby for her even though he has someone he calls baby now. It wouldn't change the fact that he's still a baby in their eyes.

"Don't worry about me mom. Please. Please. Just let me go." Jungwoo pouted.

"Why don't you just wait him here? It's dangerous to travel all by yourself."

"I couldn't wait longer. He's lonely there. I know he must face this challenge by himself, but I wanted to be there too to support and cheer him up. I know how it feels when one of your loved ones left and gone forever. I want to help him lessen the pain he's feeling right now. Please mom, I'm begging."

Jungwoo started to tear up. It's just, he really wanted to fly away from Korea and go to Hong Kong right now if he can. He's determined to do all the things he could just to see him. He can also not listen to his mom if he needs to.

"Can you just listen to me? I'm just thinking about you." Mrs. Kim caressed her son's face and wiped those tears.

"I know you're worried about me, but I'm worried too mom. I can't stop this feeling and there's no way to. I'm sorry if I always made you feel worry, but I can make it this time." Jungwoo then took his mom's hands and held them tight.

"Please trust me. I will make sure to go there safe." A tear fell from his eyes again. "You understand how I feel right? So please, let me help him."

Mrs. Kim could only sigh and pulled Jungwoo for a warm hug that his mother could only provide. "You silly. Promise me to take care of yourself and be safe. You're our only child that's why I'm like this. But it seems that, I can't really stop you now."

Jungwoo smiled then returned the hug. "I promise."


"Eh? Really?" Doyoung stood up after Jungwoo announced that he'll going to leave tonight to Hong Kong. "Did your mom let you go just like that?" He added.

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