Le How To Torture

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Sera's P.O.V.

So Hell is not nearly as bad as people make it sound! As far as I understand, I'm human again but I don't die, also I don't have any wrinkles which is awesome. I look like a mid 20s Sera and I'm not gonna lie, mid 20's Sera is hot. I'm assuming it's because that's the point in my life that I was the most healthy so I can endure the most pain... Idk.

Anyway, I have my powers!!!!!!!!!!! :D Which is awesome because literally everything in Hell is fire based. The 'floor' is hot metal carved into jagged points that ooze lava but with my powers if I keep my feet hot, it just melts into smooth ground! Also my bed is like a heater, it is metal that is constantly being heated up. The people aren't super friendly but honestly.

This has been like a vacation. (~-~) 

The guy in charge, Surtur, doesn't like me very much but I'm sure he'll come around. He keeps putting me through all these different things to try and torture me but it never works. Since I have to use my powers constantly, I've really grown in them and am super duper close to creating my own lava. Which is CRAZY but it's crazy in an awesome way!!

My cell door slid open and I smiled before stepping onto the ledge outside. I walked on the ledge until I reached the stairs and made my descent. It was a lot of stairs to travel down because there were so many prisoners but I think of it as a workout. 

Once I reached the bottom, I melted the jagged metal under my feet and made my way over to the lunch tables. I found a seat next to my cell mate and sent them a smile. "Hi Voldemort!" I said in a cheery attitude. 

"How many time have I told you, not to say his name?" A clown named Joker scolded. "Oh, sorry, I forgot. Then what do I call him?" I asked.

"Nothing, just don't talk to him." Joker said harshly. I frowned and looked to Voldemort. "You don't mind if I talk to you, do I?" The pale man did not respond and just continued to eat the burnt fried chicken that was on the table. 

"See, he likes my friendship." I told Joker with a smile. "No he doesn't, he's pretending you don't exist." The angry clown insisted. I only shrugged. "I enjoy his friendship just like I enjoy yours."

"We're not friends." Joker said almost as if he was offended. "I'm pretty sure we are." I said with a smirk. "No, we are not." Joker argued.

"Yes we very much are."

"No we aren't!"



"Yes yes yes."

"I am not your friend!"

"You're not my friend." I said finally. "Yes I am!!" Joker shouted, bringing a smile to my lips. "I knew we were friends!" I said, bumping my chicken against his. The clown rolled his eyes and then sighed in defeat. 

I just smiled to myself and nibbled at my burnt fried chicken. "Oh, I just got the best idea!!" I said, earning Joker and Voldemort's attention. "What?" Joker said, very much bothered by my existence. 

"We should do a little musical right here, right now." Voldemort continued to ignore my words but Joker thought about it for a minute. The green haired clown chewed on the burnt food thoughtfully before speaking. "No."

"Come on it'll be fun! Plus it'll give these poor tortured souls something to smile at." I argued, trying to get him on board. "Or it will give them something to throw burnt fried chicken at." Joker said, holding up a blackened leg.

"Oh come on, you'll love it." I told him, climbing onto the table and kicked off most of the fried chicken. "No, no, Sera no!" Joker warned as I pulled him onto the table beside me. "What songs do you know?" I asked, excitement brewing inside my stomach. 

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