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You are walking down the city streets at night. The street lights shining down their orangey color. The moon, brighter  than you have ever seen. Considering you have been in your room watching chungus memes from 38 hours straight. The clouds wrapped around the moon but that didn't stop it from breaking through and shining more.

The cool breeze and perfect temperature for chilling outside. Not so hot and not so cold. You looked at the trees as they danced with the wind and the moonlight only hitting the top of them. Nobody in sight. No gunshots to be heard. It felt so peaceful..


"YOU MOTHERFUCKING LAND DWELLER!!" You heard a squeaky, cracking voice from a distance behind you. You looked and saw a shadow. After your eyes adjusted it shaped a skinny figure as it came closer...iT WAS FISHSTICKS RUNNING AFTER YOU HOLY SHIT RUN RUN RUN DASHI RUN RUN RUN-

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