Chapter 2-The big suprise!

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I walked through the door, and I couldn't believe my eyes, a massive smile shot on my face, I hid it though, I didn't want to look so excited. Jai Waetford, and his Mum. I'm not a massive fan, but he's still a really good singer. Jai was in his school uniform.. Wait.. I thought Jai didn't go to school..?

Mrs. Moore pulled out a chair besides Jai and told me to sit down. I was so confused what was going on!

"Bethany, do you know who this is?" Mrs. Moore asked.

"Yeah" I smiled.

"Well, Jai has stopped getting home schooled, and is returning here. I read through your reports from your old school, and I thought you and Jai would be great partners, or friends!" Smiled Mrs. Moore. My friend Emily, is a massive fan of Jai, she will so excited!

"Awesome" I smiled.

"Yeah" smiled Jai. Holy shooooot! His smile is so gorgeous! It was like a flirty smile, and what ever he's trying to do, it's working!

"Okay, well Bethany, here's your time table, and your books!" Said Mrs. Moore passing me my books and timetable.

"Thankyou!" I smiled.

"No worries darl!" Smiled Mrs. Moore.

"You 2 better be off now to class! Have a great day, and if you need anything, let me know!" Smiled Mrs. Moore heading to the door. As I got up I could see Jai smiling at me in the corner of my eye. Holy Shoooooot! He's so darn beautiful! Jai and I both walked out of the office and walked over to the playground. The while school was empty, not one sound.

"Hey." Jai smiled.

"Hey." I stuttered. You can't fall in live with someone from their looks, but you can fall in love with the way they look

"This school has changed so much!" Jai laughed, I laughed with him.

I got my time table out of my bag and looked, first lesson was...FREE! Yassss! More Jaiii!

"What's your lesson now?" I asked Jai

"Umm...." Jai looked at his time table.

"Maths.." Jai frowned, I frowned back.

"I have free." I frowned.

"What's so bad about that?" Jai laughed.

"I'm gonna be lonely! I don't know anyone! What do I do?" I asked. I'm not even feeling 50% at the moment. It's my first day at CPAHS, and I'm left alone.

"Go to the mall! It's like, not even that far." Smiled Jai. Stop smiling Jai please, every time you smile I get hypnotised and I think your gonna notice any second...

"Okay." I smiled.

"Meet me back here at Recess?" Asked Jai.

"Okay, see ya soon." I smiled.

"Yah bruhhh!" Jai laughed.

We both walked in the opposite directions. Wow. I don't even know what to say. I need to call Emily!


I don't really know what to think. I guess.. Well I don't know. "Is it to soon to move past Beunka?" Keeps going through my head.

Beunka, was the most beautiful girl I have ever met. Beunka and I were getting closer and closer, but I never for to see her, with my singing career, it was like we weren't even together. Beunka and I talked, and agreed that we can't do it, we can't not spend so much time apart. That was definitely the worst day of my life. I never wanted to break up with Beunka. I loved her. Nothing was wrong with our relationship. It was my career getting in the way. I tried to make as much time for Beunka, every little time I had I spent with her. I would cancel Parties I had to go to, friends birthdays, catch up time with family. Beunka was my world, and I did everything with her. We still love each other, and it's still hard to forget a world without her. Just thinking about it makes me sad. But is it time to move on? I know Beunka and I broke up because my career, but it's different now. Beunka lives on the complete opposite side of Australia. My life is finally getting back together. I have enough time for a girl now. I'm mature enough for a girlfriend. I'm not gonna go run for one "Hey girl, you single?" I'm gonna wait for the right girl. But what if she's just around the corner? What if I'm next to her? What if I already love her, and I just don't know it? Ugh, so many questions.

I walked down the hallway, and into my maths class, sorry sir, I said walking through the door.

"JAI! Welcome back buddy! We've all missed ya here!" Smiled Mr. Gibson.

"Hey" I smiled. I'm really glad to be back.

"Come and sit down!" I went straight to the back corner. Surrounded by no one! Yessss!

All maths class, I couldn't stop thinking about Bethany. I don't know her, but she's adorable, so I don't know... Staph being annoying Jai, you don't even know her, she seems weird as anyway.

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