In love

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Unfortunately for the Lupin trio Sirius didn't not find them for hours Nymph grew tired of reading all the books in the library as did the twins at dinner time they heard a familiar yell "Fred George stop pranking your brother!" 
Nymph and Teddy bolted downstairs tumbling tripping possibly breaking all of their vines you know the usual but Hermione stayed upstairs deep in her thoughts over the years she knew she liked Fred in a crush sort of way but did she LOVE him? Then Nymph yelled from downstairs "Mione Mum and Remus are here!!!"
Nymph knew how bad his father treated his siblings in the past and he refused to call Remus "dad" Reluctantly she tried to walk down the stairs Key word TRIED she fell a couple times of course she faced her parents who looked like crap she looked at her father by his expression he looked like he was fighting with himself she said in a bored voice that would make Snape proud "Leaving again aren't you?"
Everyone looked at Remus who looked sad he said "Hermione you don't understand -"
Before he even finished the sentence the table was in uproar Sirius looked at his friend and wondered what happened to the marauders the happy school boys the no worries school boys one is dead one betrayed everyone one can't stay with his kids for more than five minutes one was a ex criminal
What would have happened?
(A\N No one reads this anymore I'll leave it for a couple days before deciding the fate of this book also want me to bring James Potter and Lily Potter back into the world? Bye my wolves😘

Hermione Lupin Where stories live. Discover now