I paced back and forth in front of her. “What will happen to him? Tell me!”

     Ana stood and grabbed both my arms to stop me from moving. “He has post-traumatic stress syndrome, Hara. It has gone untreated by his choice only. The consequence will be him accidently shooting his sister when she enters his apartment one night to check on him.” Her eyes glistened. She looked close to tears. 

     “No,” I said in disbelief. “His sister will die? But he –”

     She sighed. “A stray bullet kills him.”

     I walked away from Ana, and looked out the window. The sun was high in the sky, its rays beamed down on my fake world. Why is it his time to go? What about his sister? Why her?

     “I still don’t understand why good people die young and tragically,” I murmured, “and the bad live a long human life…” A hand touches my shoulder.

     “Don’t fret over such a thought, its God’s will, not yours.” Ana kept her hand in place. “Do you want to be forgiven, Harahel?”

     I nodded, and wiped away the tear that escaped my lower eyelid. “Yes.”

     “Then harness your power.”

     I turned and faced Ana. “What power?”

     “It’s a gift,” she said. “Can’t you feel it scorching through your body?” Her hands latch onto mine. “I can.”

     My hands grew warm, so I pulled away from Ana. I couldn’t believe my eyes as I stared down at my open palm. An orange ball of fire rotated in the air. 

     “This is my gift?” I felt confused. “Am I supposed to burn down my world?”

     Ana smiled, and shook her head. “Just be prepared for the task.” She walked toward the door and stopped. “Be careful. The mind will play dirty tricks.”

     Before I could respond, Ana walked out the door. I watched from the window as she expanded her white wings, and shot into the sky in a blur. 

     What’s my task? I wondered.

     I decided to take a familiar walk in the park. People sat silently on benches and blankets. Some reading and others ate their lunch. Everyone was seemingly at peace in Replica. 

     Wish I could say the same about the real Earth.

     A bald man sat on a bench across from where I stood. I called him Smiley. He always chose the same spot and ate the same food, a turkey sandwich with no cheese. Mustard was questionable. 

     I sat next to him. “Hello, Smiley.”

     He looked forward, and grinned as he chewed.

     “Not very talkative today are we?” I asked knowing I wasn’t going to get a response. I stood and patted his knee. “Well, it’s been a nice chat as always.” 

     The brick path led me to a small pond. Ducks fluffed their wings proudly. I wiggled mine a little. They quacked and swam off in a fit. 

     “Intimidated much?” I muttered.

     “Hara,” a male voice says from behind.

     I already knew who it was by the deepness in his tone. When I turned, I still wasn’t prepared for what I would see. Who I would see…

     “Thaddeus…” I lunged forward in a flight response. 

     He pulled me against his chest tightly, and wrapped his arms around me. “I’ve missed you so much,” said Thad, his lips pressed against my hair.

     “I-” My voice hitched with a sob, and I started over, “I can’t save you!”

     Thad cupped the nape of my neck and forced me to look up into his eyes. They were sea-green. Magnificent in every aspect, from the gold speckles to the hints of blue etched within the irises. 

     “Shh, don’t be upset. I’m here, okay?” He leaned down and kissed me with tenderness that I could no longer contain. 

     I stood on my tiptoes, and crushed my lips harder against his. He jerked away, his bottom lip swollen and moist. His eyes glazed over as he looked lost in thought.

     “Thaddeus, what’s wrong?” I brushed my fingertips against his stubbly cheek.

     He pulled the hood that covered his head, and let his tousled blond hair fall over his forehead. That’s when I noticed the difference.

     The mind can play dirty tricks…

     Thad bit down on his lower lip, his brows furrowed. He looked anxious.

     “We can stay this way for eternity,” I whispered. Even the smoothness in my tone didn’t calm his worried look.

     He didn’t respond. Sweat formulated at his temples. I reached up and dabbed the perspiration away. He was warm, too warm for a human. Then again, he wasn’t real, or was he? I could no longer differentiate between the times I’ve lost between both worlds. Replica became my home.

     “Help me, Hara…” Thad’s body began to tremble. He doubled over and yelled, “I must pass over! The pain is too much!” His hand gripped my arm as he tried to steady himself.

     I scanned his body for a wound, but none were visible. “What’s happening? Please tell me so I can help you!”

     He stood up straight, his body no longer trembled. Blue flames swirled around his left hand. His eyes blazed red. 

     “Help me fight this!” Thaddeus yelled. He pushed me back, and I stumbled. His hand rose in front of him.

     A blue flame spiraled at me, so I expanded my wings, and flew into the air. He was trying to hurt me. I landed back onto my feet and balled my hands into fist. They burned the tighter I squeezed. When I unclenched my hands a large ball of fire hovered in front of me. 

     Thaddeus’s eyes widened. “You can’t do it, can you?” he mocked. He was acting childish. This wasn’t him. 

     I closed my eyes and whispered, “This isn’t the real Thad.” With my final words, I blasted him with flame. 

     He made no attempt to move. I watched as the flame engulfed his entire body, swallowing him whole. His hand reached out from the blaze, so I walked forward. 

     “Hara,” he said. There was no sign of pain in his tone of voice. “Thank you.”

     That was the moment I knew I’d helped guide Thaddeus to the light. I had to overcome love for a human to lead him to ultimate peace and harmony. I fulfilled my duty.

     “You’re welcome,” I said without remorse.

     His body flashed a brilliant light into the sky. He was gone from my sight. I didn’t feel sad. Instead, I felt whole again. I had figured out what it really meant to be a Watcher. 

     Love held no bounds to the satisfaction I felt when sending Thaddeus off to heaven. 

     Maybe we will meet again, Thad?

     “You will.”

     I turned around and watched Anapiel walk toward me. She extended her arm, and held out her hand. I grabbed hold. 

     “Can I go home now?” I asked.

     “What are we waiting for?” She laughed and tugged me upward into the sky.

     I looked at my outstretched wings and noticed they were a brilliant white, no longer charcoal black. I was a Holy. I’d been forgiven. Thaddeus was forgiven.

     Replica disappeared below me, swallowed into darkness. I gazed up and saw the magnificent bright light.

     The gates of heaven awaited my return.

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