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"Geez, man. I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Ed chuckled. "Least I can still see."

Curly never found himself to be a guy of a few words but as the night went on he became even more introverted. He didn't know if it was because he was used to spending so much time by himself or if the feeling was just too overwhelming. He excused himself and wandered off to the front of the house to the porch steps, looking at the sky and questioning his life.

"Welcome home, Charlie."

He knew that familiar, chilling voice belonged to Connie. Ironically, he had grown used to that nickname during their time as partners. Ever since the day of their argument, he hadn't talked to her and attempted to avoid anything regarding her.


She swayed her hips when she went to sit next to Curly, and despite the temperature, she was wearing short shorts and a tight blouse. He wouldn't of expected anything less from Connie, she wanted everyone to see her. He figured it was because she never got any love when she was growing up.

"Dally skipped town again."

"Oh.." Curly mumbled awkwardly. "I'm.. Sorry to hear that?"

"Don't worry 'bout it." She chuckled and it made him debate on whether or not she was actually hurt over it. "Y'know, you're the only guy I ever had feelings for?"

"Really?" Curly questioned as he looked at his beer, not wanting to meet her icy blue eyes.

She kept her eyes pointed to the ground and he knew that she was drunk. She would have never admitted to anything so embarrassing while sober. Maybe about a year ago he probably would've took this as an opportunity to fuck her and then tell her to get lost. But he had been thinking about how them being partners and selling together strengthened their friendship and he was glad that it did. He liked the idea of them being friends.

"Mhmm." She slurred like a drunken housewife. "There was always something about you.. I guess we were too young to figure what to do about it."

"Nah." Curly said. He'd be lying if he said that he hadn't thought about them being together but each time he did the outcome was always the same. On the outside, they may have looked like they were the perfect match. But he knew there was something Connie lacked, and it was compassion. "Our age ain't got nothing to do with it, Connie. Me and you? C'mon, we wouldn't of worked. We're too alike. Rough necked kids who can't find a meaning. We'd be lost together."

He thought about Daisy and in that moment, he felt like she was the only one for him. There relationship had gone farther than some façade of sexual attraction. Daisy made it so she would find a purpose in everything she did. She made it so everyone around her could see a purpose too. Their bond and connection had grown in a short period of time but he was relieved to finally have realized it wasn't infatuation. She calmed him when he needed it, understood him when it felt like no one else in the world could. And she brought him back to the world when he was stuck. He felt confident knowing that Connie could never do it, and she never would, no matter how hard she wanted to. She just wasn't able to, and because of that, he knew they would never work.

"Maybe that's true." She pushed out with slight bitterness hanging off her tongue. "I guess she's good for you?"

"Yeah." Curly smiled genuinely.

"Good." Connie choked out. "I'm gonna get back to the party.."

Curly watched as she walked away, back towards the party and he realized that he, did, in fact love Connie Winston. But it was purely platonic and he'd never love her the way she loved him.

Hoodlum Tragedies (Old Version) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ