Part II

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"Why did you kill Aerys Targaryen?" Jaime raised his eyebrow at his wife, having been halfway through taking a long, needed swig of water after coming in from training all morning. He made a point of ignoring her, finishing his drink - for longer than necessary - before turning to face her. She stood with her arms folded, unimpressed at his pettiness. Like she wasn't just as bad. She was a mother of three, soon to be four, and yet the previous day she had thrown her sewing at him in a fit of petulant rage; he'd pointed out that she would scold Tya for acting like that, and laughed when she scowled, so he wasn't much better.

Needless to say, Lyanna hated being pregnant again, and acted like it was all Jaime's fault. It takes two, little wife, it takes two. And I didn't hear you complaining at the time.

"Ask your brother," He didn't want to explain himself, not now and not to her. They'd been married three years without this matter being discussed, and Jaime fully intended for it to stay that way.

"I don't need Ned to tell me to know you're a glory-seeking, arrogant arse," Lyanna said, in typical delicate fashion. "Again," Jaime smirked.

"You forgot oathbreaking, traitorous cunt who deserves to rot at the Wall," Lyanna snorted.

"Don't be unfair," She said. "Ned has never called you a cunt," Despite himself, he laughed, heading back inside. Of course she went with him. She was irritating like that.

"Why are you here, anyway?" He asked, nodding to the servants who muttered 'milord' and 'milady' as they passed. "I know you're not welcome back in the sewing circle after your tantrum yesterday, congratulations on that,"

"It was a mutual agreement," Lyanna shrugged. "Dorna thought it best for everyone. Apparently I scared that visiting Marbrand girl, Darlessa's niece. I'm glad, I despise sewing,"

"Only now you've realised there's nothing else to do, hence why you're trailing after me like a lost pup," She glared at him, a look which anyone else would've stepped back from. Jaime just grinned, knowing he was right.

"You still didn't answer my question," He stopped in the empty corridor and turned to face her, making sure to use his own height and her lack of it to his full advantage and look down at her.

"I'll answer that question when you tell me what you've been hiding about Rhaegar Targaryen," Because she was hiding something, he knew that much. Things weren't quite right about the story she offered. Jaime didn't even particularly want to know, but it served its purpose. Lyanna seemed taken aback by his rather sly move.

"Fuck you," She soon recovered. He smiled grimly as they began to walk again. "I'd have expected that from Cersei, or even Tyrion. Not you,"

"I'm not as lackwitted as my sweet sister likes to think,"

"No," Lyanna frowned slightly, even though he meant it in jest. "I don't think you are," At her rather odd comment - which noticeably lacked any of her usual bite - he took the chance whilst she was distracted to change the subject.

"Where are the twins?"

"Lorcan's with your brother," She said. "Tyrion seems to think he's teaching him to read already. The child's only two, I told him it was impossible,"

"Tyrion learnt at three," Jaime shrugged, although he had to admit his brother was a rarity.

"What about you?" Lyanna grinned. She knew that he didn't enjoy reading, and often liked to point out that his handwriting and understanding of grammar was scarcely better than a child's.

"Ten, maybe eleven," He said with a grin, and she laughed loudly. "I think it's safe to say I spent more time in the practice yard than with the Maester. Father made me learn in the end, he taught me himself. Which was... pleasant," He pulled a face. Lyanna was silent for a moment.

The Wolf Of Casterly Rock | Lyanna Stark X Jaime Lannister | GOT/ASOIAFWhere stories live. Discover now