.*.•. Lucas .•.*.

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Hyunjin woke up to the phone buzzing violently in his pocket.

Rubbing his eyes, he sat up and realized he wasn't in his warm comfy bed. Instead he was wrapped like a burrito in what it felt like hundreds of blankets, sitting in the... Wardrobe?..

-Felix? - he quietly called, but got no response - Lix?

Hyunjin looked around but saw no one, a slight panic surrounding his mind as he understood that he was


Left alone.

The phone was still buzzing and it took him lots of effort to get it from his jeans' pocket after getting rid of all the blankets.

-Hello? - he said with a husky voice, coughing a bit so his morning voice would not be very visible

-Hyunjin, where are you? - the person said, slightly annoyed.

-I'm - the boy rubbed his eyes again, yawning and looking around - uh, it's a long story.

-It's 9:30 already, I know its sunday and you probably wanted to sleep in but we agreed on this. please, don't miss the practice again and hurry up. Did you just wake up?

-Uh, yeah - the boy slid his hand into the mess that was on his head - i will be there in ten minutes, Im sorry.

-It's okay. Also, are you okay? You sound weird.


-You sound like that time when I found you in the changing room aft...

-No no no, stop, Im fine, i just woke up and haven't eaten anything, that's why my voice is weird - he lied, scratching his neck.

-Okay, take care. We are waiting.

-Okay, Chris, Im on my way.

The call ended.

The weird feeling of sadness didn't leave Hyunjin for a long time. He automatically made the "bed", folded the blankets and put plushies in the size order, but his thoughts wandered far away.

He couldn't even remember going to the practice, how he got there, how he changed to the sporty clothes, played or changed back to his nornal ones. He didn't realize where he was until he bumped into someone.

-You did well today, Jinnie - the voice said but he didn't even look at the owner, just mumbled "thanks, you too" and walked away.

Then he sat on the bleachers, looking at the empty stadium when his phone buzzed and he took it out, his expressions changing in the millisecond as his eyes almost got the shape of the moon and the lips curled into a smile, forming a pretty dimple on his cheek.


-good morning Jinnie

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-good morning Jinnie

-I hope you weren't angry
when you found out I left

-I really wanted to stay but

-I had to go for some reasons

-You will probably find out
soon but it doesn't matter

-I tried waking you up but
you looked like you died
so I was like

-"Eh, whatever"

- n e ways

-I get one (1) point today🤠✊🏻

-Have a good day bb

-mwAH 😘

My dumbass 😇:







-"looked dead so eh whatever"


-you'll have some explanations
to do 😔✊🏻



- n e ways

-have a good day too



I didn't proof read this so its probably shitty but heY DOUble update because i love you all sososososososo much ♥️

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