Blessing of Nature

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I looked at the silver eyed goddess as she held me by shoulder. I raised an eye before I shake her off and turn around.

"What do we need to talk about Artemis?" I said shortly

"About your temper. It has gotten out of hand these past few weeks" Artemis said in a softer voice "Starting fights at your school, in the streets of New York, with the gods; Percy, your father can't protect you from the mortals and he can't protect you from Zeus forever" she reasoned

I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths allowing the serenity of the nature around me calm my anger. The sound of the wind blowing through the leaves, and the chirping of the birds reminding me there is good left in the world.

"Percy, are you listening?" Artemis asks as she walks up next to me

"Yeah, I'm fine, just calming down a bit" I explain as I sit on a nearby rock and look at the silver eyed goddess "I apologize for causing so many issues, but I cant sit by as I watch my friends at school be bullied, nor innocents out in the street be attacked, and you know my issue with the gods" I finish as I look at some of the trees and spot a few dryads spying on us

"I understand Percy, but you cannot allow your anger to guide your actions, you're a good man, and I don't want to see the only redeeming male in this world to turn into the one thing he despises" Artemis said as she shifted into an eighteen year old and sat next to me "You have a light in you that no other hero has ever had Percy. You're very powerful, yet you don't allow that power to go to your head, your kind, thoughtful, brave... Yet you also hold a darker side of yourself, one that reveals itself in battle, your ruthless, vicious, deadly and primal" She continues which causes me to raise an eyebrow

"Primal?" I ask confused

"Yes, you are more connected to your rage than any other" She said, "Whether that be because of your connection to the sea or something else entirely, your rage makes you as powerful as your kind heart, but you mustn't let it consume you Perseus" She said kindly, which made me do a double take

"Wait, who are you and what have you done with Artemis? You're not the man hating goddess I knew" I say seriously making Artemis laugh

"Like I said before, you're different, your kind and protective, but you understand that others need to fight their battles" She said with a soft smile "So I don't mind being nice to you. But if there was another male, I would rip his genitals off and shove them down his throat" she finished sweetly causing me to nod quickly

"So why did you bring us to the middle of the wilderness? I mean I know you like the forests and all, but wouldn't your temple on Olympus be better?" I ask and once again she looks at me with her vibrant, glowing, silver eyes and smiles

"While that is true, the gods also know of the blessing that was bestowed upon you" She commented "A blessing that has contributed to your fits of rage recently, and your boost of popularity" She explained, and I looked at her as she looked at the trees and the sunlight pouring through "Tell me, do you feel calmer being in the forest?" She asked

"Well, yeah, the serenity of the forest reminds me of what there is to protect in the world, what good there is left. Not to say that western civilization isn't great, but the wilderness in itself contains a beauty that can't be replicated in a city" I comment as I let my muscles relax before allowing myself to slide down the rock and lean against it "When Pan died in the labyrinth, he blessed everyone in the room, but mostly Grover" I commented causing Artemis to shake her head

"He blessed you and Grover the same Perseus, you do not feel its effects because you are not born of nature, as your satyr friend is. Pan saw the untamable waters within you and sought to give you an escape, a way to calm your mind and soul" She explained "However, as soon as you begin your schooling again, you will be away from the forest and ere long you will find it increasingly difficult to contain your anger"

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