Chapter 2: Granger Danger

Start from the beginning

As they walked, Draco sighed and spoke. "Harry, I'm sorry I snapped at you. I was just upset and stressed. My...My parents don't approve of the fact I'm a Gryffindor. Everyone, for generations, has been a Slytherin in my family. The thing is, I was secretly hoping I'd be a Gryffindor. I don't want to be like the other Malfoys. I don't hate people because of how they were born, because I managed to read things that told me differently. I don't want to be seen as 'just another Malfoy, so narcissistic and spoilt' because that's not who I am. Not now, not ever. But...That's what they want me to be."
Harry looked at him sadly. "I'm so sorry, Draco. Families kind of suck like that. You shouldn't have to deal with that. How about this," He shifted, "We're now our own little family. We're not related, but we're here for each other as if we were. And, for the record, I'm glad you're a Gryffindor. Who else would I talk to, otherwise?" He smiled.
Draco grinned, a tear making its way down his cheek. "I'd love to be a family. And I'm glad too. I mean, if I was in Slytherin, I'd have to share a house with Weasley! Can you imagine?"
They both laughed, realizing they were already at Professor McGonagall's room, and walked in, sat next to each other. They watched the students file in and the lesson start.

After class, they grabbed their things and walked together to Defense Against the Dark Arts, sitting in their seats. Professor Quirrell walked into the room, avoiding eye contact with Harry. The lesson went on, and Harry kept sneaking looks at Draco whenever Professor Quirrell said anything funny. They locked eyes a few times, stifling laughter.

After class, they gathered their things and left the room. As soon as they were out of earshot, they started quoting the dumb things Quirrell had said, Draco pulling out his parchment to do so, which was riddled with notes in the margins of things that had been said. They giggled all the way to the common room. This had become a habit, because Professor Quirrell had the tendency to say very strange things in his lessons.
Eventually, they got to their common room, laughing the whole way. They plopped onto the couch together, tired from a long day of classes and emotions. Luckily, neither McGonagall or Quirrell had assigned homework, and tomorrow was Saturday, so they could relax.
Draco's head shot up. "I just remembered that we have broom lessons tomorrow."
Harry's eyes lit up. "Ooh, I'm excited! I've never even seen someone fly on a broom before!"
Draco smiled at Harry. "I have, but I can't wait for you to see!" 

The next morning, Harry bolted out of bed and ran to Draco's. "Hey, wake up!" He exclaimed, smiling widely. Draco turned over groggily before smiling sleepily.
"Yeeaaahhhh!" Draco said, trying his best to be enthusiastic. "But, Harry, it's five in the morning and it doesn't start till like one. So, can I sleep? Please?"
Harry sighed and flopped back in bed. It would be impossible to sleep again. He pulled out his wand and a book. He settled down to read until it was a reasonable time for people to wake up.
As he read, he heard Draco tossing and turning, and he started talking in his sleep. "Dad....No....STOP! HARRY!! DAD STOP!" Harry rushed to Draco's side, shaking him awake.
 Draco awoke, tears in his eyes. His eyes landed on Harry and he calmed down slightly. "Draco, it's okay, it's just a nightmare." Draco let out a deep breath.
"Oh, thank goodness..." Draco pulled Harry into a hug, causing Harry to fall onto Draco's bed.
Harry hugged back, suddenly feeling a lot more tired. He yawned, causing Draco to smile. "Somebody's tired, eh? 'S okay, so am I. We can just sleep here..."
With that, Draco drifted off to sleep, still holding Harry in a tight hug. Harry rolled his eyes, but fell asleep all the same.
Several hours later, Harry awoke, confused as to why there was something warm holding him. He opened his eyes slowly, seeing his blond friend sleeping. His face flushed, but he wasn't quite sure why. His best friend's hair gleamed in the sunlight from the window, and his expression was peaceful. Harry smiled slightly, admiring him. As he watched, Draco's eyes slowly slid open. "Wow, take a picture, Potter. It would last longer." He joked, a smile on his face. Harry blushed, looking aside. He started de-tangling himself from Draco, deciding to get ready to eat breakfast. Draco got up too, and got dressed. They made their way down to breakfast, talking about flying. Harry was still excited to learn to fly, and Draco was telling him what it was like.
After breakfast, they still had time to kill, so they went to the library. Draco grabbed a book called, "Quidditch Through the Ages" and checked it out of the library so they could read it together.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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