At a loss for words (Arthur x Mute!Reader)

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It's been 3 years since my friend Arthur lost his arm. He still gets nightmares about it. I've known Arthur since highschool, and he even offered me a spot in Mystery Skulls. I told him I'd consider it, but I don't want to intrude on the other members, since they were all Arthur's friends and they didn't really know me. Then my phone buzzed.
(A: Arthur, Y: You)


A: Hey (Y\N)...

Y: Hey Squire! Is something wrong?

A: Nightmares again....hey can I come over? I need someone to talk to...
A: wait! That's not what I meant!

Y: it's ok dude I know what you mean. Yeah go ahead. Keys under the matt like always.

A: yeah ok. I didn't wake you up did I?

Y: nope. I'm just watching anime.

A: ok then. I'll be over in a few.

Y: ok. Be safe.

I closed my phone and sighed. I grabbed my notebook and pencil off the nightstand and waited for Arthur on the couch. After 15 minutes, he showed up "I-I hope you don't mind but I brought Mystery..." I smiled and gave him a thumbs up. I started writing and He came over and sat next to me. Mystery jumped in his lap. I finished writing and showed it to him. 'Tell me about your nightmare. Was it about Lewis again? I promise if he comes back to haunt you I'll kick his ectoplasmic ass.' He chuckled at this. "You won't have to worry about that...probably. it's just..." he took a deep breath. "I had a dream that he came after me in a truck and was trying to knock us off the road..and this weird plant lady was after Mystery, we hit her and she broke the windshield and hit Mystery with weird scissors and then something popped our tire. We were ran off the road, and we crashed into my uncle Lances mechanics shop. The weird plant lady was after mystery and Lewis was after me. I didn't see what happened with Vi and Mystery, but Lewis grabbed me and threw me in the back of his truck.." Arthur was on the verge of tears. I grabbed his hand and looked at him. I wrote with the other hand and showed it to him 'it was only a dream. I've had dreams like that before Arthur. it's ok. They won't happen.' I smiled at him. 'Everything is OK. Please stop blaming yourself. I'm sure that deep down, Lewis knows it wasn't you.' He burst out crying and I hugged him. I patted his back. "Y-you're such a good friend (Y/N)..." He chokes out. I pulled away and started writing 'if have 2 things to tell you. But for one of the things I don't know if it's the right time to tell you..' He nodded his head "Ok. Shoot." He said as he wiped his tears '1. I decided that I will join Mystery Skulls. And 2...'
"...I...I" I said. Arthur's eyes widened and he hugged me tightly.
"I love you t-too, (Y/N)"

Woo! My first x reader is done! I honestly don't know if I'm doing this right so let me know! Till next time!

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