Chapter 4

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After resting for a few days and the fight with the diamond Kingdom it proved you need to become stronger so everyone left but before they did they all agreed to come back with a cure that could help asta who lost the ability to use his arms due to a curse by vetto Vanessa took Fenril Noelle and Asta to The Witch's Forest the run before they left they saw you

Fenril can you open up a portal to the Sea Temple you asked surprising everyone

Yeah why you don't seriously want to go back there do you be asked

Kahono said she knew my mother i need to know something i know getting asta his arms back is important but i need to know this you said

I understand you have to do this and when you get back we'll have my arms back and we can train asta said

Don't worry we will you said

You better come back well i won't forgive you Noelle said

I come back we can go on a date how about that you said making her blush

Fair enough Noelle said

Yummy give you a communication Crystal to communicate if anyone need your help and fenril open the portal and you jump through

Time skip

You jump through when you arrive in the middle of the town in the underwater city and everyone saw you

I'm a member of the black Bulls I'm here to talk to the Priests of the Temple you said

Well well well this is interesting i didn't think you guys would show up again this early the old man said

(M/n) your granddaughter mentioned her what is your connection to her you asked surprising him

She was a friend of the family and taught my grandchild how to use her magic why do you ask

Because I'm her son you said and everyone in the town gasped

If that's true then you one of us of the sea Folk she disappeared when the human asked her to join him in the surface tell me what happened to her

A witch of the Midnight Sun killed her about 10 years ago i was six at the time Captain Yami found me and he's been like an uncle to me i came here to learn about the sea folk you can detect Mana and it's many forms i want to learn more about this i need to find a way to control my magic to its fullest extent and this might be able to help me you asked

The old man agreed to train you and you went back to the underwater temple and fought the temple Mages mainly the strongest of them and we'll fighting him you could see the blue aura which look like a tall figure with a trident

Poseidon that's the or around you you said

He caught on quickly it's funny because i can't see what your says all this is a powerful destructive energy he said

It's just my magic it's called destruction anything i want destroyed i just have to look at it or point my hand add it and i can destroy it you said

Interesting but a type of yours is that your strongest bill with you cuz it seems like you were holding back he said

My strongest attack is called Oblivion Destroyer but it's too dangerous to use i haven't mastered it yet so until i do i can't use it otherwise i could lose my magic for good you said

Well then i guess we'll have to keep trying he said

You have been training Non-Stop and then the communication Crystal you had glowed

Hello you said

(Y/n) it's Noelle we need your help now quickly get back here it's and then it cut off

I guess we'll have to stop training for now I have to go you said

The old man gave you an escort back to the surface and he gave you a weird looking surfboard it had two circle marks on it

Magic Knights use brooms while our people use these boards for transportation it's the same concept so you can use this to get to your friends the old man said

Thanks you said you jump up and put your feet on the board and you're floating in mid-air like you would a broom

Thank you for your help oh before i forget your grandkids are welcome to see the Clover Kingdom there's a festival coming up and for the trouble we caused they were welcome to join it was a request by the wizard King Julius Novachrono you said and flew off to asts on the others

When you got there there was a fight and the witches were having trouble fighting a guy who kept absorbing their attacks when you blast the guy away from the witches and you appeared in front of them

I'm (Y/n) (L/n) a member of the black Bulls and more importantly the emperor of Destruction and I'm here to defend this Forest now back off you said

With one blast a destructive power every one of the Diamond Kings Mages were taken out in a blink of an eye

All of you get out of here get as far away from here as possible all water you just go and find out the source of that fire and put it out otherwise this far is it going to be burned down within an hour save your Forest I'll handle the enemy you said

You take down the rest of the forces and the guy that you fight keeps absorbing your magic with a little help you send them away and then you find a member of the Midnight Sun causing a problem for the rest of the black Bulls


Before the enemy have time to react you attacked salamander and it slams into the ground and then you appeared in front of everyone angry

(Y/N) you're here everyone said

I was training at the sea Temple the magic i can feel from her is like that of a dragon one that needs to be slain you said

Sorry I'm late everyone I'll handle it from here you said

You attack fana and with asta's help you defeat fana and then a new enemy comes and takes salamanders power

(Y/n) let me handle this asta said and you nod

Asta defeats him and your bound in blood by the witch queen

(Y/n) the emperor of destruction it's an honor she said

The pleasure is all mine now please release my friends you said

You break the blood bonds shocking her and your forced to fight asta

Asta snap out of it you said

You dodge every attack vanessa yells and a red cat appears and stops the witch queen

We won Noelle said

(Y/n) sorry about attacking you asta said

Its not your fault let's get going you said

Everyone seems to like my Noelle x Male reader so I'll be updating this story more let me know what you think

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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