guess who we meet at the coffee shop

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                                                         Allie P.O.V

After hearing that me and Harmony are 1 month pregnant. We diecded to go get some coffee, and a fag (which means smoking ). I know I shouldn't ,but I only do it once a month. We thought it would be better to walk on foot. So we could get some air, after what has happen.

As we got near the shop, me, Mya, and Hannah stop, as Hope and Harmony went in. Mya pull out three fags and handed me and Hannah, then one for herself. As I lit my up ,I felt like someone was staring at the back of my neck. I turned around to see a boy, with blond hair with brown roots ,pale skin ,and blue eyes. He smiled and pulled out his phone and did somthing, as my phone started to buzz. I pullled it out to see a text from a number I do not know. Then a picture popped up, as I clicked on the text.

It was of me ,and the same guy, but at a night club. I knew I knowed him from some where, he's the one who put me like this. I put out my fag, and walked in. The girls looked at me ,confused as hell. I went to the counter, and ask if they need a new worker. They siad yes, now I have a job and they will pay me 50 dollars an hour. Only because they knew that I was pregnant. I odered and sat down by the girls.

"Well now I have a job, and they siad they will hold you a spot ,you know if you want it. "I siad, looking at Harmony. She nodded and looked at a boy with sandy brown hiar, sitting with the blond hair guy. I sighed and looked at Harmony. Then my phone went off, with a song I had no idea what it was. It was that guy again, and why is he texting me.

As I looked at the text, it siad "Hello angle". What why is he talking to me, I don't even know him that much. Then it went off again, the another picture that popped up. It was of Harmony and the guy with sandy brown hair. I looked up to see Harmony still looking at the guy, I sighed.

"Harmony look at this picture, it of you and that guy that you keep looking at." I siad, looking at the guy. I handed her the phone ,as her mouth hong wide open.

"WHAT" she yelled, looking at the picture. Everyones eyes were on us, I'm very shy so it was uncomtable to me. I put my head down hoping no one will see me.

"Hey there angle" ,nope did not work. I sighed ,then felt somone sit beside me. I turned my head, to see baby blue eyes. I was nervous, and didn't know what to do. Then I relized ,there was more then one boys here. I stood up ,they looked at me confused.

"I'm going for a smoke anyone want to come."I asked, hoping they say no. Then a guy with black hair stood up. I nodded and started to walk towards the door, as we got outside he pull out a pack.

"Do you need one." he asked, looking at me. I shook mine head no, and pulled the one I smoked earlyer from behind my ear. "Do you have a lighter" ha asked, still looking at me. I reached for my back pocket, and grabbed my lighter, and hand it to him. He took it, and lit his up. He gave it back, as I lit my up.

"Hey, what's your name, no one has told me yours or your friends name." I siad, looking at him. With a the fag in my hand, and my other an my waist.

"My name is Zayn Malik" He said, looking at the road. "And the one who was hitting on you is Niall Horan, and the others are Liam Payne, Louis Tomison, and Harry Style." He siad, turning to me. As my phone went off, I holded up my hand, telling him hold on. As the ring tone went of, it was that song again. The person texting me was Niall.

"Where are you babe" .I sighed and put it in my butt pocket. I put out my fag and went back inside, to see a table full of luaghing teens. I sighed once again ,and walked back to the table. I sat where I sat before, as I did an arm went around my waist. I looked to see it was Niall, I just went with it. I had to make a call.

"I'll be back just got to make a call." I siad, still standing. They nodded ,and I walked off to the conner. I took my phone out, and dialled a phone number. As it ringed for 5 seconds, then they  picked it up.

"Hey it's Allie, I don't know if I can tell him." I siad, looking across the room at him.

"I know I think I can't tell ethier." Harmony siad, looking over at me.

"Harmony I think I'm going to be sick" I siad, looking like I was going to throw up any minute.

"I think I'am too." she siad, looking at me. I can't hold it in for much longer, I looking like I'm going to throw-up now. I ran across the shop, running as fast as I could , but I can't run that fast. I saw the girls start to run after me, making shore I was ok. They saw on my face that I wasn't, are ran faster. When I got  to the bathroom, I went a stall  and throw up. I heard the door open ,but didn't look up. They started to rub my back, trying to make me com.

"I don't know what to do, how will I live with a child. The father is Niall, and he doesn't even know it and, I don't realy know him. What I'm I suppose to do." I asked, still looking at the ground. The hand stop rubbing my back, and just stood there. I looked up to see Niall, wided eyed.

"What." he asked, looking at me. I didn't do anything ,I just sat there. I faced the people behind him, with wide eyes as well. "What" his voice was raising, but I didn't say anything. "WHAT" he yelled at me, now I was mad. I stood up and eyed him.


I was going to call the a cab ,to come and get me. I reached into my front pocket, I didn't find it , but my fingers got slayed by the objected. I screamed in pain, it hurt back, I think it cut to deep. I pulled out my hand from my pocket, only to see my hand covered in my blooded. Everyones eyes went even widder, as the blood fell to the ground. Harmony covered her mouth ,I think she was going to punk, becuase of the blood. She ran to a different stall, and throw up.

" How did you cut yourself ,by reaching into your pocket." Zayn asked ,eyeing me a death glare. Niall shook his head, and reached out for me . Only to be slapped in the hand, by a boy with curly hair. He keeped and shaking his head.

" You don't , ever it was there before, or you have somthing sharp in your pocket. "he siad, looking ne. Before I could do anything, Niall reached in to my pocket and pulled out my razor. That I cut myself with, and have for months now. I stood there, not making any movments. There were gasps, and everyone  covered their mouths.

"Allie , you cut yourself." Mya asked, tears in her eyes. I stood there ,still not saying anything and any moments. I just grabbed the razor and ran out of the shop, and ran as long as my feet could take me. I stopped and hid behind a building, I sat against the wall, crying. What I'm I suppose to do now.

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