Chapter 2 : life in the walls Kady

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She was born in side the walls. Named Kady abigail combs, by her parents who were Wall Patrol Men. Her parents had connections with very important people, so Kady was going to live very well , Her parents were even great friends With the general of the army. They were so close that Kady's best friend Carroll was the Generals daughter. When Kady was two her parents died protecting the walls from a Gaul attack. The general was convinced by his daughter to raise her like her own.

In middle school she was popular, despite her attempts to focus on her school work, one of the football popular boys pulled her in. She was in love, the boy was also born in the walls up in alaska but moved down to southern Canada near Kady. She almost failed 7th grade due to the lack of focus, but she gained her senses when she saw him beating up a poor little boy , and she put a stop to it quickly. Being born from true warriors she knew how to fight, she walked up to him tapped his shoulder and as soon as he turned around she sucker punched him in the face. She was suspended but she learned what she had to do

She had to follow her parents lead

When she was 16, the day of the choosing Kady would chose the wall protection force



Kady was leading her force on the patrol. One year ago she had been premoted to captain so she was leader to team. There was 3 on her team, including her there was 4.her second in command Carroll, she was a great leader and a great follower. Unfortunately that was her down fall she'ed follow me into any battle. Next there was Dave. Great man ,him and Carroll are married. He would protect Carroll with his life.

Then there was John he is the dirt bag from 7th grade. He hasn't changed, I did all I could to stop him but no he still wants to stay....

Kady walked down the path way on top of the wall. Today was the anniversary of her parents death. Today she would make them proud. John approached her from behind and said" Hey."

Kady responded with" what do you want John ?" she keep her head forward.

" Well there are Gauls in the woods, you wanna hunt them?"

"no John ," Kady said "it's to dangerous."

"Fine " he scoffed. John fell back to the back of the patrol. Carroll came up from behined. " every thing all right.

"yea," Kady responded " I just hate that dude.

" Hey guys look what I can do !" Every one whipped around John was ballencing on the wall's fence. Kady looked below him there was a pack Gauls waiting for a human meal. Kady jumped forward." Don't look down and get off that fence ,that's an order!" she yelled. He looked down.


He slipped and fell at the sight of the pack of Gauls. Kady ran the scenarios in her head, 1 he could let him get eatin or do her parents proud and save him.....unfortunately she chose number 2.

She sprinted and dived over the wall. She landed rolled and pulled out her gun and fired 3 warning shots in an effort to scare them away. They still circled them , she looked at john who was wailing in pain. She heard scrambling on top of the wall. Her ear piece spoke " if you Hold em off we can get an helicopter out to you." it was overlord.

The Gauls were getting impatient, she looked around. To her left there is a clearing and to her right there is an bush. With her options. Limited she grabbed John and sprinted towards the clearing. She made it but the Gauls charged , she whipped around and unloaded her clip on the alpha. One shot entered its eye. In mid run it toppled over. The other Gauls stopped shocked that there leader was down. The sprinted when she popped of som more rounds. She looked at John. He was un-conches and his leg was bent at a wrong angle. She sat down and started to reload her clips, in fear of another attack.

Soon Kady heard the whirring of helicopter blades and sat up. It was above her slowly descending. When it landed a man came out with stretches and loaded john onto it. When he got him on he said " a little help?"

She picked up the other side of the strecher and carried it to the chopper. After the two of them loaded John in the chopper, the parametric got in the front seat and Kady got into the side. As the helicopter rose up into the air Kady Thought to her self. Why did John do something as stupid as that.

Gauls taleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora