Episode two

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Blossemfall:*standing under a undevolepd thunderclan warrors, come here singh* hello, today we will be seeing if you can merg two undevolepd cats to make a devolepd cat.

Camra cat: I'm getting payed for this, right?

Blossemfall: hush pesant!

All undevolped cats: we want devolempt!

Ember: spelled it wrong!

Blossemfall: hush pesant! Thornclaw, get me my wand.

Thornclaw:you have a wand?!

Blossemfall: yes, how els do you think I...

Thornclaw: stop, I dont want to hear the rest of that. *slowly backs away* 

Blossemfall: Sorelstripe, Hollytuft, come here *the two she-cats bounced up*

Ember: you spelled else wrong, you frogot the e...

Thornclaw:*runs in screming, trampling the camra cat* a-a s-spider w-was on y-your w-wand! 

Briarlight: I heard a scream, is everyone ok?!

Milly:*from behind cave entrace* Briarbaby, get away from the cave, Briarbaby, come back!

Briarlight*runs as fast as her front legs can bring her, trampling the half dead camra cat* noooooooooooo

Blossemfall:*kicks dead camra cat* well, we killed on cat. to bad we dident get to merge the warriors. 

Thornclaw:*looking terifedly at spider on Blossemfalls back*...

Blossemfall: but next time, dear Thornclaw, next time.

Thornclaw: ahhhhhhhhhhh*goes running into distance *

Ember: you spelled it wrong.

Blossemfall: ahhhhhhhhhh*runs after Thornclaw*

thank you for reading! 

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