This Was Made For Me

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The crashing of the waves,

The darkness of the sky,

The faint light from the moon,

The people passing by.


It all makes me so happy;

The peace and quiet in the air.

It helps me to remember

To occasionally let down my hair.


Not everything in the world is wrong.

Finally, I realize this.

Try to only think of the good things.

The bad things, you won't miss.


Those obnoxious kids at school

Are just cool-kid wannabes.

That fight with your best friend?

Let it fly away in the breeze.


It's all for silly reasons.

Just believe me, it's true.

Though it may seem veey serious,

Either for me or for you.


But, compared to other things

That are happening in the world,

Your fight with that girl last week

Seems like nothing anymore.


Forget about your troubles

For they aren't really there.

Just let go of your thoughts,

Let them drift away in the air.


Let them drift off like Peter Pan

When he thinks of happy things.

Or the clouds in the sky.

Pretend that they have wings.


Whenever you think

Of any of your bad thoughts,

Just try to think of anything happy.

It can do lots.


Maybe it's a movie

You watched when you were a child.

It may even be just one person

Who makes your heart go wild.


For me, it's peace and quiet

Mixed with a hint of music.

Just to be alone for a while,

Even if it is a little quick.


Whatever makes you happy,

Whatever it may be.

Just think about it when you're feeling down.

Say, "That was made just for me."

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